Knowlab Practical info

To the attention of participants

  • UNESCO will cover accommodation and local travel expenses for participants until Friday August 29 (breakfast included). All extra expenses are covered by the participant itself (use of minibar, phone and drinks during meals are not included).
  • Participants leaving on Thursday August 28 will have to check-out from their room before the opening session at 9 AM.
  • Participants leaving on Friday August 29 will have to check-out from their room between 7 AM and 11 AM.
  • Smoking within buildings and in specific areas is prohibited.
  • There is a limited use of wifi during working sessions.
  • When visiting the JRC site, you must register at the Reception Desk in order to receive a visitor’s badge.
  • At the JRC site you must ensure that your visitor’s badge is visible at all times.
  • Upon departure from the JRC site, you must return your visitor’s badge to the Reception Desk.
  • Your personal data (e.g. passport details) will be kept by JRC on file.
  • Please note that there is video surveillance in indicated areas both inside and outside buildings the JRC site.

Ground Rules for Participating in the KnowLab

  1. Chatham House Rule: “[P]articipants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.”

  2. Participants agree to speak from their own experiences instead of generalizing (“I” instead of “they,” “we,” and “you”).

  3. Everyone participates; no one dominates.

  4. Stick to the agenda and session objective.

  5. Mute or vibrate all cell phones, and use personal laptops / tablets / smartphones only during breaks.

For further information, inquiries and emergencies please contact:

Jennifer Rudkin or Leyla Kjazim: +39 347 0011 225

Riel Miller: +33 632 391 360