Lab5 Offline tasks - feedback

@mohamed75 , Egypt, colex

Dear Mohamed,

Thank you for submitting your Lab5 Offline tasks.
Overall you have done an interesting job however there are some areas for improvement:
First of all, I believe you should do more interviews and stop when there are no big suprises anymore.
*Second, I believe that you should ask the customers about their customer jobs and their biggest concerns. Some questions you asked are yes/no questions and they do not help to get deep insights



Thank you Mr, wajdi
I will do it with the customers

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@Mohsen PaillEco

Dear Mohsen,

I have reviewed the documents you sent me and you have done an interesting job however there are some areas for improvement especially with regard to the questions asked during the interview:

You shoud avoid yes/no questions
You shoud ask about their experience and not about their opinions
Asking if they will buy the product and the price is not relevant at all at this stage since your objective is to test the problem.
Instead you should ask them about their usage of the straw, how they chose them? what is their biggest concern? the idea is to identify early adopters, those who are aware about the environmental issues related to straws.
