Land surveyor (géomètre)

Hi @reef-building , @reef-finance ,

We received 2 of the 5 price offers of the land surveyor : see : Login – Nextcloud
One of them is given by our notary and very significantly more expensive than the other one…
Did your reef-finance discuss the picking of the land surveyor/(géomètre)? Or any one has a proposal how to tackle this decision?

It does not seem to be a difficult decision. The cheapest one that the architects trust gets the contract.

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ok, so we leave it at the architects then to take the decision…

No. This is our decision, and we need to take responsibility for it, as it is only the first of many, many decisions to come. In making them, we are committed to prioritizing the well-being of the group. That also means not spending money unnecessarily.

Of course, they need to be comfortable with it, because they are going to be basing their plans on the measurements that this person makes. But if they have three professionals who they trust, and who offer the identical service, we choose the cheapest.


@reef-building @reef-finance
There are 2 more price offers, 1 missing.
Francois is expecting the last price offer tomorrow.
After that he will do an analysis and gives us a feedback…
ps: the price offers from the land surveyors passed by the notaire => i added (notaire) in the name of the file…


@reef-building @reef-finance

Here is the analysis of the architects on the price offers received of the different surveyors…
" Le moins cher, Perdaens, est très disponible. Ce qui est une bonne nouvelle.
Nous avons eu une expérience avec lui. Rien à redire.
Et son offre est bien complète.

Donc de notre côté, pas d’hésitations pour partir avec lui.Si c’est ok aussi de votre côté, il faut lui passer commande."
=> so the architects recommend Perdaens , because of his availability, the price, the experience they have with him.

Sans titre 10.pdf (35.2 KB)


I would follow their proposition.
The two our notary recommended:

  • one is the most expensive of the 5 price offers (almost double of the 2nd highest price offer???) => HVS
  • the other one is only available in july. (Techstone)

I personally also trust the architects on this, they have experience with the guy, they have done cohousings before, so i would rather go with one they recommend that one that our notary recommends (or maybe i am missing sth)

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Agree. No point overthinking this.


me too.


@reef-full Hi full members,

The architects got the price offers of the land surveyors and did a small analysis of them.
They propose to go for Perdaens, for the following reasons:

  • he is the cheapest
  • they worked with him before and have no complaints about him
  • his availibility

The two names the notary proposed (HVS, Techstone)

  • HVS: is much more expensive than the others (almost the double of the 2nd highest price)
  • Techstone: ok price but his is not right away available.

The proposition is to follow the advice of the architects. If you would have any objections/concerns, let it be know before friday 10:00 am

this is the link to the analysis/overview of the architects: Login – Nextcloud


Sounds good and totally agree. I will however, drop a line to the notary to ask whether he is ok with that (that we haven’t chosen “his” géometres). Or it’s not necessary?

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I don’t think it’s necessary. In fact, I would not let the notary have last word on our choice of professionals. However you could:

  1. ask the notary if he has any recommendation for the géomètre, and
  2. let the géomètre knows that we will be purchasing the plot as undivided, and then divide it and sell it again, in case this makes some kind of difference.
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I asked and he gave two names that were considered but not chosen.

I think Alberto was referring to us asking the notary if he (the notary) has any specific recommendation (like, “pay attention to this please”, or “I want the document in this format” that we could pass on to the geomètre we have selected.

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i think richard is working on that… @RichardB

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Yes - just texted @Ugne so she can forward to the notary.

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sent! thanks

messaged Francois that we’re ok to work with Perdaens…
It’s up to us to take further steps (set up meeting at the site so he can do his job,…) => can sb take this up?

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Here are the pictures taken yesterday after the clearing was done

There is also the plan that was validated by francois, and that corresponds more or less to what we did yesterday…

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For opening the door for the géomètre, it is probably best to offer them several slots. Shall we see what we have to offer as a group? Can you share your availabilities, if any, below?

For me it could be:

  • Monday 1/7 morning or after 3pm
  • Friday 5/7 afternoon