Last day: going top-down

We are almost at the end of our stretch. I plan to spend most of this beautiful spring Sunday working on the proposal, so that, tomorrow, Audrey can submit.

There is no time for any more asynchronous working together. What is done is done. We at Edgeryders will now go dictatorial, and make any improvement or adjustment we see fit. I might even trim the budget a bit – we are now at 1.588 million, and we had planned to be below 1.5. We’ll see. Anyone has some time to help, jump in and we will give you something to do.

This goes especially for @Costantino, @zoescope and @Cristina_Martellosio, since sections 1.4.3 and 1.4.4 are still missing their input.

Also ping: @Noemi, @melancon, @Lakomaa and @markomanka.




@everyone else

Submission is in process. As part of the submission we need to provide keywords. They come in two categories: fixed keywords are selected from a top-down list; other keywords are free and provided in a text field. My guess is keywords matter when it comes to the reviewer selection process.

I attach a screen dump of the listed (so called fixed) keywords. The selection I made can be changed; for now, I have selected:

  1. Collective Awareness Platforms
  2. Social Innovation
  3. Digital Social Innovation
  4. Social Networks.

We probably must choose between 2. and 3. Keyword 4. is not mandatory (to avoid having a network science physicist as reviewer). Please have a look at the list and discuss. I didn’t see there is alimit in the number of keywords we can choose (but there must be).

As free keywords, I scanned the beginning of the proposal and I have selected (the text field is limited in space):

Community-driven model social and health care; digital fabrication, cheap-and-open hardware tech; community management; global hacker community; collective intelligence; semantic social network scienc

(no, there is no space for the missing “e” in scienc")


Hi Guy, it works for me, others are:

Free keywords Design, network science, social care, health care, online communities, social innovation, policy

For this and for other things like Abstract check the first part of the proposal.

Do keep us posted!

Abstract in the box

@NOEMI I’ve already submitted the abstract extracted from the final document.

The budget is already in.

Ethics (section 5) is on the way as it has to be submitted independently.

Alberto’s edit will undoubtedly change page numbering so I will resubmit it after he waves us saying the document has been carved in stone.

Carving done

Noemi, I rewrote the abstract.

Guy, I think these keywords are too long. If they are too specific they are useless. So:

  • social network analysis
  • welfare
  • care
  • service design
  • open design
  • open hardware
  • open data
  • online communities
  • public policies
  • collective intelligence
  • participation

(Free) Keywords update

Ok, will update.

What about fixed keywords?


Ok for free keywords (see previous post). What about the fixed keywords taken from the top-down list?

All good

Participatory innovation, open hardware, Internet Ethics, Knowledge co-creation networks, Digital social innovation, open source software, collective awareness platforms, social innovation.

These are all good. If you have no limit, just add them all.

Buzzword bingo :slight_smile:

These keywords I gathered during the digital social innovation event in brussels:

Digital social innovation, Growing a digital social innovation ecosystem for Europe, Digitally driven social transformation, digital technologies for the social good, digital single market, meaningful social innovation, moral ownership of data, Internet of things, data entitlement structures, open and fair platforms, platform capitalism, trust, people, demand, meaning, use, design and systems thinking, collection, Aggregation and manipulation of data, digital sovereignty, distributed architectures, Sustainability, Entitlement structures, technological arbitrage, Welfare, Design, Cooperative Design,


@Noemi @Lakomaa @markomanka @Alberto  @Costantino @zoescope @Cristina_Martellosio

Please forward to anyone is missing from the list.

Doc sections 1 - 3 (Technical annex, WorkPlan)

Doc sections 4 and 5 (Partners description, Ethical issues)

have been successfully submitted – and everything else (Abstract, Keywords, Partner info, Budget online sheet).

I am tremendously thankful to everyone of you, and more particularly to the EdgeRyders team – with special, very special thanks to our leader Alberto. I am grateful that life made me cross your roads, and sincerely hope we’ll have a chance to walk the same path the next 2 years.

There is still time to double check that everything is fine on the portal. Each one of you have access to the docs and forms.

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Very good, thanks!

You guys rock!

It’s been a pleasure working with you too. Thanks Guy & Co. for taking what seems to be a whole day to submit, much appreciated!

Keeping fingers crossed from now on…