Latest Budget - An Update

Hi Everyone, I just wanted to share the latest budget of the unMonastery project in Matera. You’ll see we’re running under budget currently. I’ve embedded this as an iframe so that this can act as a landing page for the budget as and when it’s spent, without having to repost it. Whenever it’s updated you’ll see the date change on the top row.

PDF available here.

Myself and elf are looking into the possibility of using open banking for when the project is live.

Coordination Costs?

What is the 8000 spent on ‘Coordination Costs’ used for?


Is essentially a token wage to cover my work and Rita’s work in running the administrative process of establishing the unMonastery. 


How come you get more than the unMonasterian’s Stipend?

I don’t.

At least not in relative terms, coordination costs reflect over 18 months of facilitating and adminstrating the project. Stipends reflect individual months. Also it’s a way of creating an accountable point of contact for the funders. 


Plus, the client wanted someone to take responsibility for the whole thing. Paying a small salary ensures Ben can afford to put his life on hold for four months and be in Matera full-time with no surprises.

Learning from possible mistakes…

Very shortly! We started compilig Book of Mistakes to document possible pitfalls and provide useful reference for everyone exprimenting with unMonastery unModel. I just added to it card about allocation of finances and pre-launch budget plans related to finances. I didn’t participate in that process and would like to invite everyone who did to contribute to looking at it in retrospective - (please pay attention ot background image of that board :wink: