You seem to be moving into investigative journalism here. I’ll watch with interest.
You seem to be moving into investigative journalism here. I’ll watch with interest.
…passing thoughts…
I used to think (Paff***Iknow!!!) about cultural documentary a bit…then along came things like collab-cam and vyclone, and social video apps and that kind of thing, and then in the hub there were the ‘share your vision’ clips, the last phone booth in the back corner set up with a camera and instructions and anyone that wanted went in and ranted for the alloted time.
It makes sense that voices can express on local issues, it would be cool for a community to be able to map-tag videos on local issues, that kind of thing, or indeed share their ideas of what an alternative to the ‘employment’ scenario might be.
I love Alberto’s story in the comments too.
Good roots here, topic needs revision though, its a very different world all of a slap and I’m not sure ‘unemployment’ quite frames the nature of the problem/solution-scenario.
well, that’s a part of it
Alberto its too early to say what im doing in the long term. i think starting with some questions is a way to weave in other elements down the line: say footage from interviews, should someone to attempt the first approach I was thinking about. the investigative style of asking deductive questions could serve as a useful vehicle for the film director. i just want to do one thing right now, see what happens. erect some pillars as it were. generate curiosity, enthusiasm, over something where i can add value and actually get it done. would be glad if it went in a surprising direction…but for now, i think i just successfully carved out a mini assignment for myself.
maybe its not coherent enough
Eimhn makes some good points. maybe its not narrow enough and employment may not/should not be the central framing. well, if it isn’t the best, then i dont think its a bad tangent to work on either. i hope what i attempt will inspire others to conduct similar inquiries that lead to mapping out some narratives along these edgerydery concerns we all got going on.
The #makingaliving movie sounds good. I agree with Nadia: employment and unemployment becoming a bit hollowed out terms, and #makingaliving still sounds concrete.
I remember some posts&conversations on ER about #makingaliving and making sense: something like two levels of #makingaliving preferably combined.
Do you see a movie like that more like showing a structure or an individual/ lifestories, or a perspective on structure and possible #systemchange through the experience of individuals? Or something else?
Is this movie primarily for those who struggle with #makingaliving or those who struggle with the #systemchange or both?
Even looking at comments here there will be enough material for the interviews: perspectives which differ from the institutional obsession with hazy jobs. And even different from the institutional/govt interest in less hazy jobs, such as promotion of entrepreneurship and a rise of incubators in some parts of Europe. Which are, even though a nice govt/institutional initiative, don’t answer the #makingaliving question for all for various reasons.
Beyond the ideology of “deserving” to survive, let alone live.
Instead of “Making a living”, I suggest “How to use free time”, and more specifically “What are we choosing to experience together”. The problem is not about needing to work, or needing to “earn” the right to live. The problem is “now that we have these technologies and that there is abundance, what do we do with our free time”. It is basically a political dimension. And if many of us currently live in monetary poverty, and if many starve to death, it is not because there is not enough (there is potentially too much) : it is because of the concept of property, its accumulation, its hoarding, and artificial scarcity in the interest of control over others. Hence possibly one can adress the question of accumulation of property (and power) vs. personal property (what we use as utility ?), and our shared commons.
Questions that go well beyond “universal income”, and well beyond “money”: property, our own choice in using our common heritage in shaping our realities, well beyond “earning” it.
Our potentials to choose to use time to learn together, develop new ideas, explore various points of perspective, develop emergent forms of intelligence, and emancipate ourselves beyond the gates of “arbeit macht frei”.
Also see: Paul D. Fernhout’s “Beyond a Jobless Recovery”.
Note: I also suggest as action research to deepen potentials for neo nomadic lifestyles, and new forms of organization which can re-develop an approach to using and developing infrastructure, producing, and re-distributing without depending on long term territoriality.
Existentialism and Situationism may also have some proposals, though I personally do not know the theoretical aspects in detail.
Further personal comment: What I suffer a lot from, is not as much financial poverty in itself, but the difficulty to keep social cohesion around shared visions, even if there are hardships. Because most of today’s engagements are built around the political economy using interest bearing debt based tokens, engagements tend to be limited to our role as providing (or reducing the costs) towards such artificially scarce and centrally controlled tokens. I personally believe that our generation can use our current isolation and deconstruction of society, to re-create new models of social and environmental regeneration, which can maintain and appreciate the uniqueness and diversity of elements. The emergence of new systems that can interact with each other. Food forests using permaculture principles being only one example. GPL based software being another. Also see thousands of entires on and