Let's launch! Making decisions on the OpenCare kickoff meeting


Important to start in alignment from the get go…


Ok, let it be written in stone. Option 2 it is.

The OpenCare consortium meeting will take place in Brussels in February 2016, and consist of:

  • a closed-door meeting on Thursday 25th
  • a day of knowledge sharing and outreach through talks and a workshop on designing care services on Friday 26th.
  • a day of knowledge sharing and outreach through a Masters of Networks hackathon on Saturday 27th. 

Great start


forward the details so we can all take care of our travel and lodging arrangements early enough.

Arriving on Feb 23 late afternoon - leaving Sun 28

Hi all,

I am preparing my trip to Brussels for the kick-off meeting, and I am considering travelling by train which would actually be so good that I could return on Sunday (instead of Saturday as originally planned).

Also, I am considering arriving on Feb 23 (Tuesday) late afternoon. I would like to take advantage of begin “close” to EdgeRyders (as well as all other interested partners/parties) so I can interact with those involved/interested in Task 5.x (ethnographic coding; EdgeSense functionalities). We could also pamper the MoN4 session ahead of time.

Let me know whether anyone will be available. I plan to stay at the Radisson as suggested by Alberto - if anyone has any better suggestion, please shout it out loud :slight_smile:

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WeMake crew - Arriving Feb 24 afternoon - Leaving Feb 28

Hi all,

the WeMake crew (@zoescope, @cristina, me, Alessandro Contini, @Betty) will arrive in the Feb 24th afternoon so we have some hours to hangout live before the official meeting. :slight_smile:

And we have plenty of time to enjoy Lote5.

We’ll sleep in an Airbnb near Brussel Midi station pretty close to the venue. ((We’ll host also Matteo Uguzzoni another Edgeryders from Milano, not yet related to opencare))

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