Longing for open government

Parti Québécois, 1st to promise opengov

The Parti Québécois promised to turn the government of Quebec into an open government. See this document, Cahier d’animation Changeons la politique http://t.co/3qZtiwIH MP Dave Turcotte just informed me. That makes him the first francophone MP in the world to lead about open government issues.

It’s just a proposal for now, not an actual real open governement yet (because Parti Québécois is the official opposition party). Still, it feels good to know that ME, just Lyne, an ordinary citizen, had something to do with it.

In 2 days, MP Henri-François Gautrin will hand in his report about the Potential of Web 2.0 to Quebec Premier Jean Charest. What will the Liberals announce?

Quoted: Tony Clement’s townhall

For your information, I am quoted in this article by Elizabeth Thompson http://www.ipolitics.ca/2011/12/16/tony-clements-twitter-town-hall-storified/, for having participated to the first Tony Clement’s Twitter townhall yesterday (December 15, 2011).  He’s the Canadian federal minister responsible for open government and open data (Treasury Board President).

I asked several questions about the leadership role of the Government of Canada at the Open Government Partnership. I clearly asked the GoC to bridge participation with the Francophonie States at the OGP.

I honestly don’t know why these tweets were put in the category of co-creation co-production (collaboration) with citizens. How come it got there?

(Does the author of this article read French???)

Anyway, I tried… I was there yesterday, I participated. If they do not understand French (or questions), that’s another story.

The Francophone project can still happen

I hope.  I push for positive change with great hope everyday, Lyne.

We are building awareness, all of us, through our voices, by caring enough to write, to speak, to act.

This francophone project is a masterpiece, one that I feel can come to reality one day, it was purely ahead of it’s time.