Lote3 Next Community Call

Online call to touch base on Edgeryders efforts to build Living on the Edge - the unPilgrimage. How do we organize our work? By fully descentralizing - ever since June we have been assembling ourselves into cool lote3 teams, working together for social media outreach, finding accommodation at B&Bs in Matera, acting as unMonastery hosts and what not. Our weekly community calls are where we come together and coordinate, say hi to new Edgeryders, encourage volunteers to take up small tasks.


(we’ve been using a permanent hangout space but google seems to no longer allow us entry):

Join us especially if:

> You’re coming to Lote and haven’t found a way in to volunteer.

> You want to learn how to replicate the unMonastery model.

> You want to help build bridges between international change-makers and a local community.

> You want to work with awesome Edgeryders volunteers!

Fast forward through past community calls to see what you should expect.

Date: 2013-10-18 09:00:00 - 2013-10-18 10:00:00, Europe/Berlin Time.