LOTE4 press coverage

Hi all -

I’m a Berlin-based writer and editor who has been following EdgeRyders and the unMonastery remotely for a long time. Earlier this year I did an interview with Ben V -for uncube magazine, which was super successful in opening a dialogue about digital platforms with the magazine’s architecture/design/urbanism audience.

I’d love to continue my involvement by participating in LOTE4 this year, covering the event/s for the international press. While it’s possible to get an idea of what goes on through ER’s various online platforms, a real-time and in-depth article about a LOTE meet-up would go a long way towards providing greater access and transparency into the intricacies, goals, and challenges of the initiative, and also promote broader involvement. LOTE is an important case study for emerging forms of social organization via digital platforms today - it definitely merits third-party documentation and discussion. I’d also be an active and vocal participant while there.

I propose that covering the program for a news source earn me a ticket - though I know promising participation in advance is somewhat contrary to the process ! - and I’d also like to request a travel grant to Matera. I’m currently pitching the article and it would be hugely helpful to have a travel budget secured.

My German colleague is also hoping to cover LOTE4 for the German-speaking press; she’ll post shortly herself…

looking fwd - Elvia

Remember the uncube!

Hi Elvia, I remember the interview, liked it because it was the first time to read Ben’s thoughts on the underpinning values of unMon at length, other than hear him in our live events and conversations. it was a good one and glad to be able to thank you personally for the work.

Look forward to seeing you in Matera and thanks for pitching the work :slight_smile:

Can I suggest that you register on MakerFox and order the conference ticket so we can proceed and send you one, along with a grant?


Ticket ordered!

Thanks so much for the kind words and the quick response. Let me know if you need any additional info regarding ticket and grant. Excited to move forward…