[LOTE4 Ticket] Build database with relevant media

I will create a database with media organisations and journalists to invite at Lote4 twitter press conference

To promote and ensure coverage of Lote4, we need a spreadsheet with media organisations, journalists, projects potentially interested in a global debate on how communities are learning to better take care of assets around them – physical, digital and other community commons.

  • Value of task: 1 \#lote4 ticket

How to complete this task?

Nothing happens on Edgeryders until we start interacting, so start by leaving a comment below if you are up for doing this.

Decide where you are working on this task: it could be a google doc, a spreadsheet, a pad or anywhere you want as long as it’s an open document. We recommend creating a wiki here. Start building the database with at least 20 entries with: name of person or organisation, field of interest or reason we should contact them, twitter handle, at a minimum.

Come back here and leave a comment when you have it done in a draft form, so we know you completed the task and invite others to add more. Don’t forget to link to the database!

Steps to get your Lote4 ticket

  1. By completing this task.

  2. Go to MakerFox.com and register there with the same username as the one you have here on Edgeryders. Now go ahead and order your Lote4 ticket.

  3. Wait to receive your ticket! Community members at Edgeryders will check how many tasks you’ve performed and it they add up to the value of a ticket, they’ll make sure to send it to you.

This task belongs to the Communications and social media team, go there if you want to meet the rest of the team members.

I’ve started working on this at LOTE4 Media and Friends - LOTE4 “The Stewardship” - Edgeryders

thank you @danohu :wink:

