[Lote4 Ticket] Craft tweets for twitter press conference

I will craft a series of 30 tweets telling the story of Lote4.

Description: Ahead of Lote4, sometime in September, Edgeryders will organize a press conference on twitter. We did it before, we know it works, and it’s fun to run it together with the community. The goal is to tell the story of Lote4: The Stewardship in a way that is engaging for the media and for future participants.

  • Value of task: 1 #lote4  ticket

How to complete this task?

Start by leaving a comment saying you are up for taking this on starting September.

Decide where you are working on this task: it could be a google doc, a spreadsheet, a pad or anywhere you want as long as it’s an open document. Start building the tweets by breaking down the content on Lote4 into catchy snippets containing: text + link + image + lote4 hashtag, and make sure you stay within 140 characters (examples from past twitterstorm).

Come back here and leave a comment when you have these done in a draft form, so we know you completed the task and invite others to translate some of the tweets.

Steps to get your Lote4 ticket

  1. By completing this task.

  2. Go to MakerFox.com and register there with the same username as the one you have here on Edgeryders. Now go ahead and order your Lote4 ticket.

  3. Wait to receive your ticket! Community members at Edgeryders will check how many tasks you’ve performed and it they add up to the value of a ticket, they’ll make sure to send it to you.

This task belongs to the Communications and social media team, go there if you want to meet the rest of the team members.

I am up for taking this on in

pre-tweets on https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Hk_rsrH54sYLGOMEv6ttwPgpyhQiz5NP14i2dzj18Xc/pub

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Well done you!

Well done, @EmilyJones, and welcome aboard. My name is Alberto, one of the oldest community members here. Just let me know of you need help to navigate the website.

On commenting a task, you will find some extra fields besides the title and twxt of the comment: Assigned to, Status, Deadline etc. These can be modified by anyone leaving a comment. With this one, I have assigned the task to you and changed its status to “Open - In progress” because now you are actively working on it. Any of us can change the status of a task with a comment.

When you complete this, you can leave another comment with the relevant information (for example, the link for your curated tweets, like you did this time), but also set the task’s status to “done”. This way, people will know this is taken care of, and they will direct their attention elsewhere.

Hi @Alberto,

Hi @Alberto, &thanks :slight_smile:

Will change the status when I’ve completed the task…

Need help?

Emily hi and thank you for taking this on, do you have already an idea of how twitterstorms work? (an online event, sort of a press conference, everyone comes on twitter on a set date and time and tweets for 1 hour using the same hashtag…) Of course you are more than welcome to tweet lote4 before that date, actually we do it daily, but ideally those 30 tweets you would be tweeting intensively during the online event, and so will other Edgeryders be doing. Those tweets would contain information about the conference in Matera, “where”, “how”, “who”, “why” etc… and preferably your take on it: if you’re coming or not, what made you join Edgeryders, what is Stewardship to you, perhaps sharing links to a story here which you liked etc.

We’re just getting started with the preparations and it would be great to coordinate among ourselves… keep an eye on other info to be released in the coming days to include in your tweets, including a date for the event (probably mid September)? We also expect more stories on Stewardship to come in and maybe even session proposals… as you can see the program for the conference is still in the making, and you’d probably need to leave some room in your tweets list for that new info.

Looking forward to learn more about you, and welcome on board!

Hi @EmilyJones, seen this? See you on twitter I hope?

