This week agenda:

Let’s push #lote5 forward and discuss where we take the fail unfail themed LOTE5. 12th of November at 10:00 a.m. either join us at Edgespace Brussels (Rue Pierre Decoster 75, Forest) or online here: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/3m2tf7cn34xww45rkij2mab5rqa

This week agenda:

  • Registration/Join the Team adjustments suggested by Antiheroes

  • Supporting partners updates

  • Speakers/Participants/Partners updates

  • Development track launch

  • Twitter feed setup

  • Ticket policy round II

  • Logo choice?

Looking forward!

Date: 2015-11-12 09:00:00 - 2015-11-12 09:00:00, Europe/Paris Time.

URL: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/3m2tf7cn34xww45rkij2mab5rqa

Possible to stick to same time every week?

hard to remember/get the word out when it’s not :frowning:

I agree

with Nadia on this one


Thursday morning though will be very often an issue for me. Any chance Wednesdays 10am can work for you as a general rule?

We can change the habbit starting next week, for this one I can reschedule at 10am even though it will be much harder to attend for me.

pick a time that works for you and stick with it?

I think this is the most realistic approach as it has to work for you :slight_smile:

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10 am or 12 pm tomorrow?

Check your event time above? Seems like there’s two conflictual hours.


it is! Starting next week I will change the week day to Wednesdays (10am).

How do I share a word-file?

I’ve prepared an adjusted site-map and content based on the feedback we’ve been getting after our newsletter, and I’d like to share it here already…

Thanks for infos!


Go to the /t/lote5/609 home page, then click on CREATE: a post | an activity | a wiki | a task | an event | a document. A document is like a post, but it has an extra field to upload a file.

Ok, Irene explained me I can also do it through drive

So here is the link :slight_smile: