LOTE5 Venue Propositions

​ALREADY CONTACTED, waiting for reply

  • La Vallée, Molenbeek = 5000m² coworking space for artists, with little ateliers, rooms for exhibitions, etc. No website of its own, but here are some pictures . 


  • Allee du kaai, Molenbeek - http://alleedukaai.be/fr/ - info@toestand.be
  • WIELS, Forest - http://www.wiels.org/en/ - anyone have contacts?
  • Pianofabriek, Saint Gilles - http://www.pianofabriek.be/
  • Via Via BXL, center - https://www.facebook.com/ViaViaBXL/?fref=ts - too small?
  • Foam, the cultural laboratory to re-imagine possible futures, one of the managing partners was already a FuckUp Night speaker (among many more interesting gigs I bet), they have a pretty big space to host both people and LOTE - See more at: https://edgeryders.eu/en/lote5/brainstorming-potential-lote5-partners#sthash.mZoB7tye.dpuf
  • LeSpace, a community bridging bar whose aim is to connect worlds (Dansaert and Molenbeek, one of the biggest poor-rich gap corner of Brussels) one drink at a time (and they serve very little alcohol! chapeau), - See more at: https://edgeryders.eu/en/lote5/brainstorming-potential-lote5-partners#sthash.mZoB7tye.dpuf
  • iMAL, center for digital cultures and technologies (currently led a very nice cyclehack) 
  • BRASS, cause it's close to Nadia&Alberto place and it's a pretty cool inclusive artsy old brewery 
  • OpenKitchen, a friend project opening up city spaces (mainly private living rooms) for story sharing around food and culture (we could all go and eat in random Brussels houses, just shooting 
  • Abattoir, cause it's the cheapest and biggest covered market that promises to be one of the most ambitious sustainability projects of the region
  • NomadNess, or how to match small-pockets (nomad) artists with unused or abandoned spaces in the city 

​ALREADY CONTACTED, not available

  • PARTS, Forest = contemporary dance school → Already contacted, not available