Lunch on 17/06

Hello @reeflings,

How about we organise another social event over lunch on a Saturday? The location will be confirmed a bit later, but it’s probably going to be Uccle or Anderlecht.

Can you please let us know whether you are planning to be there?

  • Yes I’ll be there
  • Nope, can’t make it

0 voters


I guessed lunch is around midday because I have to be in Brussels Centre around 14.00 for the “election de madame chapeau” :slight_smile:

I do not dare to ask questions here.

:smiley: I’m just going to the election, which is part of the Brussel Folklore. For the information: In a very popular theater piece of around 1950 I think a woman was played by a man. This election is about finding the new madame chapeau (not for theater but for all folkloric events). It used to be a woman in the beginning but the last years it always are men :slight_smile: One of my best friend has been it 4 years after each other :smiley:


Assuming it is Saturday June 10: no, can’t make it. If 17th: not available neither. Enjoy sunny Brussels, Adriana

I had missed the heading - it’s the 17th stupid… so unfortunately I am not available that Saturday.

I planned a trip to Antwerp to see an expo that day with friends, but Manuel & Ada might be available!

Hi @reeflings !

So we’re going ahead with a midday potluck brunch at our place in Anderlecht this Saturday, with the weather looking good to sit in the garden.

If you’re new to the potluck concept, everyone brings food and drink to share, and we all feel lucky to live in a reality with such abundance :slight_smile: And there is literally no wrong answers. If brunch to you means Egyptian baked eggs topped with salmon and garnished with fresh coriander, paired with a 2017 sparkling rosé, wonderful! If brunch to you means a bag of croissants and some orange juice, also wonderful!

Confirmed we have:
Manuel (and Ada)
Ryan (maybe)

Can’t make it are:
Richard and Maria
Laure (buddy @manuelpueyo)
Carole (buddy @Chris)

Possible exploratory members:
Johan and Liza (buddy @Sophie_Beese )
Florence (buddy @Lee)
Janet and Victor (buddy @Lee )
Judith and Frank (buddy @Lee )
Marc and Anna (buddy @Sarah)

If you are one of the buddies above, regardless of whether you’ve had your one-on-one yet, could you please contact you exploratory member(s) to let them know that they are more than welcome to attend, give them the address and point them towards this post.



Could you remember me the adress and what time it starts? :blush:

I’ll send you a private message, as I’d rather not put the address on a public forum :slight_smile:

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Thank you for organizing & hosting!

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Thanks for organising @ChrisM!

As for my buddies: Judith and Florence can’t make it, but Janet and Victor said they can.

What time are we starting?

We’ll start at 12h :slight_smile:


Hello, I will come with Ana & the kids.

I’ll ask Sarah for the address :slight_smile:

aiacciu aka Marc


Hi @aiacciu and welcome to The Reef!

It’s not a big thing of course (as in: really not), but when you find the time, can you please change your username to something as close as possible to your real name (e.g. Marc-reef or something). You’ll find further details in the Onboarding Manual.

I feel a bit guilty for acting like the “forum police”, but at the origin is really just the simple need to not go crazy. The forum is quite chaotic already, and so we need to do everything possible to keep things simple and straightforward.

Thanks a lot for your understanding & looking forward to meet you!

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Just a quick message that Johan and Liza are not available this Saturday (but I’ll meet them next week). See you all tomorrow :slight_smile:

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Hello Lee,
yes I figured out afterwards :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your welcoming at @ChrisM & @Sarah house.

Was nice to meet you there