Lunchbrunch and online meeting with the notary (03/05)

Hello @reeflings,

Just a quick message to invite you at my place this Saturday for those who feel like it, first for an online meeting with the notary (11:30 - please come at 11:20!) and then for a lunch/brunch (13:00).

Can those who were in touch with Exploring Reeflings please share the link to this post?

@ugne: can you please fill us in on the details about the meeting with the notary?

For the lunchbrunch I created a Google sheet where everybody can write what they are going to bring, so that we are sure that everybody will find something to fill up their stomachs.

Around 15:00-15:30 Alberto and I would like to close the shop though, because this day is one of the only ones that we can go scouting in the next coming weeks. Those who would still like to hang out can easily move to the pub next doors.


Link for the meeting with the notary: click here. CC @ugne

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Thank you so much, @alberto!

Sure, the notary Pierre-Yves Erneux wanted to have this meeting with us to explain how things will work from now on and what are the implications of the societé simple. This is his reaction to our request to send us the “check list”. I would kindly ask you to record this meeting, if possible. Zoom link sent to him this morning. Thank you!

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Great! Thanks a lot @ugne!

I took the liberto to move the phone number to Nextcloud, because I believe it’s a private thing. It’s in Team Finance > Notary.

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I’ll be following the meeting from home and then cycling over for the lunchbrunch :slight_smile:


Hello, I’ll be following the meeting from home. Afterwards, we will be celebrating Eliott’s 18th birthday and I won’t be able to join you for the meal, but thanks for the invitation !

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