Major Release of The Style Guide: interactive version

Hi everyone :slight_smile:

after working for a while we made a new interactive version of the Style Guide.

Here is where you find all the info to work with related visuals and communication assets. We uploaded the Style Guide on Github, which allowed us to create a repository with all the single assets of the guide.

In this way, you can download the interactive PDF file from Github website and after saving it on your laptop you will be able to have a complete and direct collection of links to the single graphic elements. Therefore, by clicking on the visual elements (logo, banner etc…) and some words (index and some titles) you will be prompted to the original asset in the repository.

The Style Guide is divided in:

  • Logo (vertical and horizontal)
  • Typeface
  • Written text (print and web)
  • Colors
  • Header
  • Dividing element
  • Footer
  • Icons
  • Covers for social media (Facebook, Google+, Youtube, …)

It is a collection of all the graphic elements needed until now, both for the web and print stuff. Step by step we are going to update it :slight_smile:

So, thank you for your attention, let us know if you have any further questions or comments.

Have nice day!

Silvia and Chiara from WeMake

@ChiaraFrr / @Costantino / @alessandro_contini / @Moushira@zoescope / @Cristina_Martellosio

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Thank you girls :slight_smile:

Many thanks for the update and for the great work  - I love the system maps !!


The style guide looks great. Would be nice to have the icons in svg added to  our  libricons repository, then we can color accordingly and incorporate in the navigation bar.

Ping and @ChiaraFrr have you seen the comment by Gualter above?

do it yourself

everything it’s there to be merged on your side