Makers and Fixers first stage Innovation Action submittted

In a speedy turn around, the research network has been included in another proposal submitted to Horizon 2020 today.

Entitled Makers and Fixers: re-Making cities through Circular Economy & Grassroots Innovation. It’s the first stage application to a two stage process for the call Demonstrating systemic urban development for circular and regenerative cities.

A round of applause to our in-house sorcerer @alberto for his impeccable contributions!

This means that in this current H2020 round the research network has submitted/ will be submitting across FIVE research and innovation work programmes including

  • Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy
  • Connecting economic and environmental gains - the Circular Econonmy
  • Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies
  • Science with and for Society and
  • Information and Communication Technologies

Four proposals down, three to go :pineapple:


Wow, this is amazing work, @anique.yael.

If we get past the first stage, let’s campaign for the Restart Project to be on board. @janetgunter is on ER, and her co-founder Ugo Vallauri was my best student at RENA Summer School.


Good luck with all this!
Things can change so quickly!
Interestingly, Hackuarium is already also involved in a related call (Research and innovation), but as a two stage process RIA, it is really a long shot!
Hoping things all come together well, one way or another!

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Hi everybody. Thanks for thinking of us @alberto :wrench: This very topic came up at our board meeting last night. We’ve done some work with the GLA and waste authorities here in London, so far to limited effect, but would be potentially interested in developing our work in this area. Our strategy for 2016-2021 speaks of more than just community repair events “Restart Parties” but instead “dense networks (community groups, makerspaces, schools, SMEs, local authorities) promoting a people-centred resource efficiency”. (We may have to revisit the word “efficiency” but that topic could derail this thread!) Noting public (and private) procurement could be a fascinating addition to the mix.

Sharing some recent work we’ve started: mapping and reaching out to repair SMEs, and research on how community events and outreach can change attitudes and actions:


Very good to know, @janetgunter. I applaud your newfound focus onto system design. Let’s hope we get through to the second phase of this!