March 25th Weekend: Proposal


Dear all,

We are close to securing a location for the weekend of the 25th.
The idea is to find a location that provides enough space to:

  • sleep
  • meet in a large circle
  • generally have fun
  • get to easily for everyone

Finding something that is easy to reach from Brussels that can host such a big group, has been a challenge, but we believe we are close to securing a space that we think you will like. The place we are suggesting is less than an hour from Brussels (and easily reachable by public transportation). However it is not “cheap”.

Since we need to be sure that people are happy with the projected cost, we are giving you a cost proposal, estimating that ±15 ppl stay over, and 5 people only join on Sunday:

  • 15 people sleeping = 145 euros each
  • 5 people attending Sunday meeting = 50 euros each

None the less, we need to be sure that people are comfortable with this type of cost.

Alternatively we can always organize a fun day on the 25th to spend time together with a meeting on Sunday.

Feedback would be welcome.

Kind regards,

Team Logistics.


Happy with this proposal, thanks for organising!

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Fine by me too, and happy to contribute to some sort of solidarity fund if @reef-inclusion would come forward with a proposal (or even without a proposal to be honest).


Thank you! Fine by us (@Leonard) too!

Hi @Dave_behave

Just to confirm the 145 euros each is per household, not per person, correct? as we are 3 :slight_smile:

The price is 145 for an adult to sleep.
There is no charge for children.

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Hi Dave!
Thanks for organising this :slight_smile:

I’m wondering whether the price also includes food and any other costs or only sleeping? And whether it is from the Friday or Saturday?

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Ok for us (@JeremyH), we just need to be sure that we have a room for our household as it would be detrimental to everyone else’s sleep to share a room with Zohra :sweat_smile:

I am afraid, with all the expenses I have to face at the moment, I actually personally don’t feel comfortable with making this additional expense. And 50€+transportation to attend one day sounds as well quite much to me but since it is to share quality time together in an other landscape I am up to compromise and participate on Sunday. :slight_smile:


I can imagine it’s hard to find a location able to host all of us, but I’m afraid I’m with Laurianne on this… €145 is pretty steep for me, especially as costs for transport will still have to be added to this + presumably also costs for food and drinks? (Or did I misunderstand and does this price already include more than just accomodation?)

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I sort of regretted my reply the moment I posted it, because it’s indeed a lot of money.

@reef-logistics I don’t know which options you looked at, but I was wondering whether you looked at the website I didn’t look in depth, but for example this one (in the middle of nowhere, admittedly) has 10 rooms and costs 600 euro.

If that wouldn’t lead to anything, then maybe can it be an alternative to book a couple of rooms in GC Ten Weyngaard in Forest, order pizza in the evening, go home to sleep and reconvene on Sunday?


Hello @Dave_behave , thank you so much for taking this task :grinning:! could you please give me a call asap, i might have a cheaper option worth to be looked at, good day!

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This one also has cheaper options closer by:

For the record: not trying to your job, it’s just that I am looking for a venue for my birthday party :partying_face:

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As we’re sharing options here now, I’ll add the suggestion I sent to team logistics via DM earlier this week too:

Oude abdij Kortenberg:

  • It’s about 30min. by car from centre of Brussels
  • There’s a direct bus line from Brussels Rogier that gets you there in an hour
  • It has 29 rooms (€39-59 + €9 for breakfast)
  • There’s also meetings rooms for rent
  • And it just seems like a beautiful location as a whole
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We are examining other options.
Thanks for the feedback.