Marina Batinić joins the Research Network

I am proud to announce that Marina Batinić (@marina here on the platform) is the Edgeryders Research Network’s newest hire. She will be working closely with @anique.yael and myself in the network’s core, where Edgeryders folks with research interests get support to turn their ideas into structured proposals and, later, actual research projects. She is based in Brussels, and you will find her often at The Reef.

We have had Marina in our radar for over a year. She has it all: multiple-language fluency, background at the intersection of the arts and development, social entrepreneuring experience at Culture Hub Croatia. We are delighted that we could finally concoct an excuse for us to work together. So, a warm welcome, on behalf of Edgeryders, its Research Network, and myself personally!


Thank you very much @alberto! I am thrilled to become a part of the team and contribute to the Research Network! :slight_smile:


Welcome from me too!

More reasons to be in Brussels, to work from the office when there’s a bigger crowd, to work on culture, to hang out in Croatia, and so on :-))

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Marina, hi. I guess we will be meeting in person soon. Just a quick welcome wave from the forest.

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Welcome Marina, wish you good health and success in your adventures in 2019 :slight_smile:

Considering you were involved with Culture Hub Croatia, do you know of schools created in rural/poorer regions to help children develop their creativity and in which ways?

I am now building a project which should give them opportunity to develop creativity and teach them professionally the most important language in the world today (coding language :wink: ).

Are you aware of similar projects in Croatia or organisations doing something like that? In case they already exist I would rather contribute to the existing one than starting it from scratch myself.

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Thank you @jasen_lakic for the welcome and all the best to you in the New Year too! I will ask some of my colleagues regarding this and get back to you :slight_smile:

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Many thanks!
I don’t know how well do you know Brussels/Belgium but if you need help with anything don’t hesitate, if I can help I will.
I have been here for 17 years now (off and on) so I am kind of a Brusselaar already :slight_smile:


Hi @jasen_lakic, to respond to your question - most of the schools in Croatia are public and the level of innovation and creativity depends largely on their directors. When it comes to coding we are still quite far, but there are some isolated initiatives and projects going on which might interest you. I think you could look at the programs of Digital Academy or the work of the guys from the Makerspace Radiona. Unfortunately, no rural areas there, it’s all in Zagreb, or bigger cities such as this initiative in Osijek and this one in Split which is rather new. I hope this helps…if you need anything else feel free to ask. Wish you all the best with your project!

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Welcome @marina! Looking forward to meeting you down the line.


Very much looking forward to meeting you - soon!


Big thanks Marina!

I know about Croatian Makers and Digital Academy only. I will focus on poorer regions with less opportunities and highest growth potential. I don’t feel like I can contribute so much in Zagreb :slight_smile: there is already plenty going on there, people are leaving rural areas to go to Zagreb or abroad…doesn’t look like bright future at the moment.

Sorry for the late answer, had a very difficult period. Health issues, many treatments and finally operation 3 weeks ago. Trying to keep the company running and getting a product to market next to all that took so much energy from me. Going upwards from here though, feeling good!