Masters of Networks 3: a CATALYST event which is a good match for Edgeryders

CATALYST is organizing an event called Masters of Networks 3: communities. It is a sort of hackaton around network data on online communities, including Edgeryders – Edgesense is used as a sort of format, a language to express online communities conversations in. I – Alberto – will obviously be there with a CATALYST hat; I think Edgeryders should also be there in the context of the CATALYST collaboration. What do you say, @Noemi?

Anything about the actual programme?

I definitely wouldn’t say no, was just wondering if you have an idea of what the hackathon would look like? Or is it more like presentations of the CATALYST tools followed by exercises to see how they work and discuss network science in more detail?

Edgeryders would be participant, right?

Yes to all

I think you, as Edgeryders, should participate. In the hackathon, we will explore data from online communities: the collaboration between community managers such as yourself and network scientists such as @melancon and @brenoust will be greater than the sum of its parts, because you have complementary knowledge. It will be fun, and a great learning experience!

Almost forgot: I have created a mailing list for MoN3 people to plan ahead of time what work will be done in the hackathon.

Ok, I registered

I filled in the online registration form linked to in the event announcement, just in case. Will be following the news on the mailing list as well. Thank you, looking forward to this!!