Masters of Networks 5: networks of meaning

I want to join the Masters of Networks 5 Hackathon between the 28th and 30th of April.
My background and motivation

I am especially interested in the following challenge:
Visualization challenge

I want to add:
potentially proposing challenge

@alberto, please check out this sign up form. The posts it generates look like the one above Edgeryders Forms

  • I would put the consent stuff at the end.
  • “I want to join the Masters of Networks 5 Hackathon between the 28th and 30th of April” is unclear. One expects to have to answer, “yes/no”, but that is kind of ridiculous, because people are there to register. So, I would just get rid of the text.
  • Get rid of the “I want to add” field. You already have “I want to propose another challenge”.
  • “hackathon” is not capitalized. “A hackathon”, “24 hackathons”, like “a dog”, “three bottles”.
  • Shorten the help text of the remaining free form question, like this: "About you: what is your background? What are your skills (eg. social sciences research, data science, programming…)?
  • To “I want to propose another challenge” add some text to explain “we will contact you”.

Also (but nothing you can do about this, we need to talk to Owen): “I am new/I already have an account”, OK, but an account for what? Imagine coming to the form from Twitter: you maybe do not even know that Edgeryders exists. Some people who do have Edgeryders accounts (like Rob) even clicked on “I’m new”. We don’t try and solve this now, but it is a design problem. For this, cc @nadia.

Also: I think it is worth it to do a minisite with MoN. Let’s discuss this today or tomorrow.

About you:
I am maria and here to test this

Which challenge are you most interested in?
I would like to propose another challenge. (We will contact you to discuss further)

that is hardcoded and can not be changed


Moved some posts from this announcement post here to clean it up before moving it to the public forum:

@hugi want to co-coordinate with me?

Yup, can do!

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@bojanbobic, as mentioned in our previous conversation I would like to ask you to take over the reminder emails with the links for Gather for the Master of network events as I will be on leave at that point.

I will also set up calendar reminders for you for this.

What needs to be done:

On the 21st of April (1 week before the event) and on the 28th of April 9:00 CET (1h before the event) please sent a link with a reminder for the Hackathon, the Agenda (as can be found in the top post here) and a link to the Gather room (Guy Melançon will set up the gatheroom on their university account. Needs coordination!) to everyone who has signed up.

Poeple sign up via the tell form, or direct comment on the event thread, therefore you get the email by going here:

and inputting the id of the event thread: Masters of Networks 5: A Networks of Meaning - Hackathon (which is the last number in the link: 15572)

Any questions regarding this?

Thank you very much!

@melancon, we are under the impression that you will set up the Gather room.

Let’s coordinate on this:

Can you send us the link by the 20th of April, so we can include it in the reminder emails for the participants from that point?

Thank you very much!

Hi @MariaEuler,
sorry for replying so late. I believe you were under the impression that my institute has a license, which is not the case … The free version has a number of limitations. I am unsure how much we want to use all the goodies the paid version offers (being able to set up an “environment” with various offices, etc.). The free version can accommodate up to 25 users. Would that be sufficient? How many participant are you expecting?

That is quite possibly sufficiant. How.many people are joining from your team?
People signing up otherwise we can count here in the thread.

Probably mainly depends on how many students DLab will bring.

@kristof_gyodi, @mpalinski how many of you/your students will join the Master of Networks?

We have asked them to sign up in the next days - we will know the exact numbers next Monday. The group is around 15 students, difficult to tell how many will sign up.

Is there already a satisfactory number of participants? We can give a push via our channels to reach more students if helpful

this would be a question for @alberto maybe?

@melancon, depending on how many students join the unpaid version might not be sufficiant.

@kristof_gyodi it’s not so much about numbers, but about quality of participation. The goal is not to have great outreach numbers, but to have good projects come out of it. I would give it a push explaining clearly what this is, and in what it differs from other datasci events. It is what I am doing on Twitter.

Another thing I would do is think about specific people that you think would give a nice contribution, and then contact them one-on-one. This might be worth the effort!

We default to Zoom. I already changed the text in the website. @johncoate is aware of this, as is @melancon. :slight_smile:

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