Meet my family!: Creative home-based living

Reaction to a post Submitted by Bridget McKenzie on 4 April, 2012 - 21:20

I love this contribution for several reasons, all connected to the courage to chose your own way in life. This is the kind of courage I admire most at a person.

“ I made a decision 7 years ago to leave an institutional job so that I could live more freely and yet also more closely to my family. I like working from home, with my partner and child involved in what I do. “

This is also my ideal way of living and working, so I totally agree and support this choice.

“We eat three meals a day together. We can eat healthy food that we like. We can organise our day and our space as we like. “

It’s a basic human right to be allowed to eat what you like. Unfortunately, too many times, the people at “the office” kind of push you to consume unhealthy food. Also, not having the right to organize your time and space as you like,  sounds to me like “prison”. This is why I appreciate Bridget’s choice.

Some people ask why we only have one child. It doesn’t seem normal. But, I feel it’s responsible in a crowded planet to have no more than one (or maybe two) children. And I’m glad that it’s more acceptable to choose to be childless too.

I think the decision to have only one child is indeed a responsible decision, as we are already too many people on this planet fighting for food. Being childless is also a good option, as if one doesn’t have enough emotional resources to be a parent, why condemn a new soul to a stressful educational system and exhausting job ?

“I get a little frustrated with the conventional media assuming that there are women’s roles and men’s roles, and clearly delineated issues associated with those roles. Apart from the actual bearing of a child, everything else is interchangeable. My (male) partner has always played an active nurturing role, with childcare and home. All the tasks of making a thriving life are equal. “

I am also a convinced supporter of gender equality and hate conventional gender roles. The perfect family is indeed a family where both partners play , by turns, the roles of Mom and Dad.

We have to be open to change and try not to judge other people for their choices. 

I can’t agree more : people should be free to make their own decisions and it’s none of our business to comment or criticize these choices.

All in all, a great and inspiring family story I enjoyed reading.

Breath of fresh air

Bridget McKenzie has many fans and supporters at Edgeryders!

She is like a breath of fresh air, and comforts our hearts.

She has the courage to stand by her ideals and do her own thing, and she so easily breaks away from the fear of being ridiculed. By creating the environment that most suits her needs, she tears down conventional ways of thinking.

I also dearly appreciate all her writings here at Edgeryders, and I am looking forward to meet her in person. Thank you for shining some light!


I completely love this post!

I’m a firm believer in that family is what you make it. Not what anyone else suggests is right for you. Only you know that. If you want to be child free, fine, if you want a large family, fine, if the usual given roles aren’t needed in your family, that’s fine too.

People need to create what makes them most happy in the world - not subscribe to others ways of thinking and doing.

Thank you Bridget!

Collective encouragement

Well said lucyanna!

I can’t agree more with all your comments. Bridget McKenzie really makes us think about the courage of living your own life and building what you want for yourself and your family. I really appreciate your highlighting and defining of the strong points of autonomy, deviation from norms that are overbearing and overly traditional, choices and self-belief.

Thank you!