Meet the Edgeryders! part I

The first members in the Edgeryders community are its beta testers, the explorers who are ready to go on the platform, report back and make sure we stay on track. I asked them in what ways they are Edgeryders and what are their expectations from this collaborative space, and here are some of the first responses. Thanks to Jorge, James, Tudor and Victor for their enthusiasm! You can be a beta tester too, we still have some places left. Just sign up here!

Jorge photoI feel myself walking on the edges of this complex geography that arises from the amalgam of different cultures, generations and technologies to which I was exposed during my life. Something I learned on these edges is that the dialogue, through our commonalities, is the best way to learn, integrate and make the most from differences that make us rich as human beings. In Edgeryders I hope to help develop a community which is capable of creating that dialogue and turn it into action. Action that contributes to crystallize a shared vision of a world where it is possible that everyone can achieve their full potential …Jorge, Spain

James photoI’m interested, personally and through my roles as Co-Founder of Togethr and Trustee of London Creative Labs, in enabling a new economy that’s oriented around the individual and helps people to reach their full potential. Edgeryders looks like a fascinating project to engage young people in this movement and develop a shared vision of the future.James, UK

Tudor photoEdgeRyders. So… riding the edge, that sounds inspiring ! Its good to see open projects for the youngsters that want to do something in the society. Its good to see other people, like me and you, with social responsability and community awareness and it is great that us the young generation have the opportunity to engage in activities of the European Council, visualizing the future of our generation. It`s amazing that EdgeRyders wants to involve in this issues, getting it to the next level and supported by the extraordinary social media and unbelievable fast remote communication nowadays. I really feel there is something in the air about this project! - Tudor, Romania

Victor photoI think I’m an Edgeryder because I’m never not living in the now. I’m not exactly sure what Edgeryders is yet, but I can tell you what I’d like it to be: A social network of motivated and creative youths, getting together to co-create a better future. Step one would be a brainstorm of the biggest problems facing us in the future, and possible solutions to them. Step two: a clustering of these problems/solutions to create a top list, up for discussion through the social network. It would be awesome with a simple project management tool to get together in groups to start figuring out the problems, with the help of mentors. You could use the inside of the network like a CMS, with an outside view of these discussions in a beautiful/creative structure/layout. This solution requires an excellent web development team, not only technically but also ascetically. The next step would ideally be an in-person gathering of the top problem solvers to bring the solutions to fruition. The amount of attention Edgeryders gets depends on our ability to communicate its reason for being, and the problems that we are working to solve. I also want to once again underline that doing this in an ascetically pleasing manner will go a long way to grab the attention of the desired audience. I can’t wait to start using it!Victor, Sweden