Meeting Architects: Update financial estimation

@reef-building @reef-finance

Thanks for the initiative. I won’t be able to join (back in Brussels on

Can we please hold these meetings online as much as possible? This would make it possible for more people to attend.

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Ping @alberto!

Hi @Lee @RichardB @alberto

I made a mistake, it is monday 17h. Is this also possible for you?
Meanwhile I will ask Serge Fraas if we can do it online.

No, sorry, for me it’s too short notice.

Yes, that should work.

@Lee @alberto @reef-finance

Serge is sick today so it will have to be on tuesday and it can be done online. Who’s free on 12.00 or 15.00?

sorry, in a retreat with my new boss for the two upcoming days, so can’t attend.

Tuesday at 3 is impossible for me. I could do at 12 with a bit of hassle.

I’d rather sit this one out. If you guys want me to be there, I can do 15.00 for 30 minutes.

I will set for 12.00 and tell we coulb me some later.

I can also join 12 tomorrow.

@RichardB The link to the Zoom-meeting is in the NextCloud Calendar.

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Can someone please record the meeting…

1 Like Here’s the link to the video :wink:

1 Like Here’s the link to the file of the architects

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Thanks @Julien for sharing setting this up! The links you shared above are publicly accessible links though. Can you please make them internal? Here’s a Nextcloud manual in case you need help:

In our of our “document it or it didn’t happen” rule I’ll also write up a short report and post it as a separate post.

@Lee links adapted.

Can I post here the small report of the meeting? It is finaly a post specific to this meeting

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@Julien when we document something that is relevant in the future, we try to make it as visible as possible by creating a new thread, and tagging it with “cohousing-knowledge”. Otherwise people have to search way too much.

I didn’t know you were preparing a report, so I already posted one here: Updated financial estimate

Let me know if you want me to take it offline so that we can merge our reports, or whether you prefer to post yours beneath mine, or …?