Meeting the neighbors in Jette


I propose to stick to Labolobo because it was suggested by a neighbour. We have an option for Saturday 7 September, when the architects are available as well. Any objections?

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Hi @manuelpueyo,

In terms of governance I woudn’t worry too much: it’s doer decides. So either you keep it in Team External, or you ask people who are interested to set up a small helping circle (which would be my recommendation).

From there the instruction is simple: make it beautiful, keep it cheap and in line with The Reef’s values. Consult all Reeflings on the forum and/or organise a multivote (currently point in the Governance Document) is always a good idea.


Yes, I agree. But this is a flyer inviting people to talk to us: we do not need to communicate the number of square meters. All it needs to say is: we are going to be your neighbours; we are motivated to make an effort to fit in; come meet us, or if that day you cannot get in touch via email and we’ll go for coffee at some point.

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I see it could be a great teambuilding activity. I am happy to give a hand but I dont feel like leading this project. It’s too much effort for very little added value. And we have other priorities now.

On the governance side, we don’t have any reefling living in the area yet. Coming there and painting something without knowing the neighborhood is a bit pretentious in my humble opinion. We are not living there, we are not going to see this painting everyday but the neighours yes, they have to see it. do we have legitimacy to do this, paint something and leave? i don’t know :thinking:

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@alberto i have added your suggestions in V4. if @SophieC is there maybe you can have a look. thanks!


Hi @manuelpueyo
I did some modifications of the text - in V5
Maybe too many ??
I wonder if we should say something about the name the reef & the languages of the meeting

What about the address of the site beside the qrcode - not everybody can use it

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thank you ! i had a look at V5 and did small changes. for me it’s ready to go. what are the next steps?

  1. translate the text to NL
  2. do the graphic layout
  3. Work on the event registration page
  4. Send to print.

the QR Code

it will point to the registration page. the address of the event, date and time is already visible in the text

for me it’s not necessary but happy to hear your opinion

to finish the letter “L’équipe The Reef” bring questions
 I think either we explain the name, either we don’t put it on 
 or we put somewhere. Notre habitat groupĂ© s’appelle The Reef
For the language of the meeting: it will be in French and flemish ? Maybe also in english ?
If some people read the site, they might want to be sure that they will understand the meeting they would attend if they don’t speak english.

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thank you for these contributions @SophieC :point_up:. the text will be enriched visually when we work on the graphic layout. during that phase we are going to put “The Reef” at the top of the paper so that it is branded accordingly.

my understanding of the languages.( but we have not formally decided on this)

language of the flyer:

french and Flemish

the language of the event

event in french but open to english and flemish if the need arise.


I ordered an automatic machine translation of the text to NL. you can read it here. @joannes could you have a quick look and see if it is acceptable? feel free to add some changes. thanks

OK. Shall do.

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@manuelpueyo I made some change to a local copy, with NextCloud down and all. I guess it ran on Windows 
 I made only one change that you may want to transfer to the EN and FR versions: I added Saturday to the date.

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Yes, this is correct. And the problem is: there’s no francophones left in Team External.

Maybe we could ask @Odile for help?

Sure! I’ll be more than happy to help. I’m currently in Malaysia to sort out a few things. I’ll be back on the 1st of August (with just a trip to France from the 5th to the 11th of August). Isn’t Sophie francophone and a member of the Team External? I had a look a the V5 of the text and corrected a few things (grammar and 1 or 2 “tournures de phrases”): job conditioning :smiling_face: (I’m a French teacher
 :laughing:). Otherwise, great job for the ones who wrote it and the contributors :+1:.


here is the first draft version of the letter to the neighbors in print file. the idea is to print it in A4 recto verso and fold it.
comments welcome.
let me know ! cheers. thanks

@Perrine, as a native French speaker and Jette neighbour, would you possibly be interested to join in for the presentation of our project to the neighbourhood?

@Lee Yes, I would be happy to join ! @joannes Is Saturday 7th of September confirmed ? If so, I’m available.

Sophie C is francophone, but she decided not to continue with The Reef :man_shrugging:

Thank you so much!