Meeting the neighbors in Jette

the proposal from the graphic designer & print expert is to adhere an A3 version of this poster in the wall in chausee de jette

wheatpasting tutorial

@manuelpueyo thanks for carrying this forward. May I still ask for one last change? Please delete this sentence:

Il est difficile d’estimer prĂ©cisĂ©ment l’impact sur le quartier, mais les habitats groupĂ©s apportent souvent des changements positifs.

In Dutch too:

Het is moeilijk om precies in te schatten wat de impact op de buurt zal zijn, maar collectieve woonprojecten brengen vaak positieve veranderingen met zich mee.

This is because i am hoping we will not be using the language of “impact” in that meeting, but rather that of new neighbours showing up to shake people’s hands. We are too small to have much of an impact anyway, and the last thing we want is to be attributed responsibilities that we cannot carry.

This I would not do. The meeting is too short-lived for a poster. The idea is rather to have a permanent sign with QR code/email address, with no reference to the meeting (and probably not in paper, but in a more durable material – see Meeting the neighbors in Jette - #35 by Lee).

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