Meeting with the architects 10/02/2025 - layout of the apartments

Hello @reef-full, @marcelh and @joannes,

At our latest meeting with the architects (minutes), Francois told us that we need to decide on the broad layout of our apartments until the end of the avant-projet (that is, ideally by the end of march). We’re not talking details such as floors, bathrooms etc. but more the general disposition of the living room and the bedroom(s). If you’ve already seen the architects and are happy with the plans they drew, no need to do anything, otherwise please get in touch with Francois (until the 19th of February to either have a quick online meeting or to schedule an appointment for the beginning of March when he’ll be back from his holidays) to discuss (changes to) the layout with him.

Once you’re set, please reply to this post or send me a short message on Signal. Thanks!


hi @Sophie_B

I just had an online call with @Jook And @Axel and they have some questions about the current layout of A6 (the unit of their preference). Two main questions:

  • how fixed are the walls? Can they still move a bit after introducing the permit, or do the walls on the permit exactly need to match with reality? (i guess the position and size of the windows will be fixed with the permit, and thus not allowing such a liberty to move walls maybe)

  • could they - as AM- also have a chat with S&F, as - if they do not express their wishes/concerns now concerning the layout- it might be too late?

I understood that the aim of this exercise was precisely to establish where the walls would be exactly. Let’s ask them though, if there is any wiggle room.

The architects mentioned that in exceptional cases, the decision could be made at the end of April. When is their deadline for applying to becoming full members?


tagging @Jook and @Axel for sophie’s answers to your questions…


I had already a 1st contact with François in which 90% of the things were settled. I’m now just waiting for the last details.



fyi, asked the question this morning to the architects.

  • the position/size of the windows will be fixed by the permit, so this will already limit the moving of the walls

  • you can still move the walls a bit, moving them a bit to the left or right.

  • you could still e.g. switch the place of the toilet with the place of your washing machine

  • important is that the number of bedrooms is as defined and that the minimum sizes of a bedroom (or other spaces) are respected

  • the question of @Jook and @Axel was about moving a bedroom from one side of the unit to the another side of the unit => this should be known before introducing the permit as it might otherwise lead to the need of introducing a ‘request for a ‘dérogation’’