Meeting with Triodos 13 February 7pm - confirm attendance

I’ll be there as well. Thank you for organizing :slight_smile:

And I just put three questions in the document.

I won’t attend, but added a question.

Hi @Vicky
Not sure I confirmed but one of us will attend!

Hi Vicky, no extra questions from me, but I would like to attend. Thanks!

According to the Reef’s agenda, our meeting is scheduled for 12 February instead of 13 February. I tried to shift it to 13 February but not sure it worked. Can someone doublecheck?

Hi Vicky, I’ll try joining but will have some delay I’m afraid. Added one question to the list.

@ClaudiaPr just had a look on the nextcloud agenda and it mentions 13 Feb 7pm

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yes, mine also says 13 of Feb @ClaudiaPr :slight_smile:

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I moved the meeting yesterday but it took until now that it also appears correctly in my Google calendar

Ok, sorry about that, thanks Claudia :slight_smile:

No worries at all. I just didn’t want people to get confused by the calendar entry. :slight_smile:

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@reeflings Hi there just wanted to flag that Triodos cannot use my zoom link, so I changed it to their teams link in the next cloud calendar.


Thanks again Vicky for putting this together! I made notes in this google doc.