Meetings and not-so-interesting (practical) issues

@manuelpueyo: it used to be on the Nextcloud, so in the absence of that I uploaded it to the Google Drive. Enjoy the read!

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Hello @reeflings,

For the meeting this Thursday my proposal would be that I’ll prepare a quick presentation on the documents that I am drafting together with a new proposal on the so-called “Roadmap”. Would that work?


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Yes, for me it does.

That’s fine with us! Thanks, @Lee

Hello @reeflings,

A couple of quick points on meetings:

  • 21/02: Alberto can’t make it and I got behind on schedule due to covid, so I would propose to cancel this meeting
  • 28/02: to replace the meeting of 21/02, would you be available on 28/02 for a physical meeting?
  • 08/03: this only comes one week after the previous meeting, but in view of the ambition to publish the website by mid-March I think it would be good to keep this date penciled in.

Regarding the documents the plan would be that you’ll receive a copy of the brochure (+/- 20 pages) on Wedndesday 16/02 (if all goes well). If possible I would then need all essential questions and comments by Monday 21/02 (though no big deal if that wouldn’t work out).

Does that work for everybody?

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Hello @Lee (hello @reeflings ),

We are fine with postponing the next meeting to 28/02 and with keeping the one on 08/02. However, I cannot comment on your document by 21/02. The earliest I could do it is by 23/02, but possibly only by 26/02.

Looking forward to reading the document. Best wishes to you all, Sabine

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Hi @Sabine_B_Frank,

It will be impossible for me to have something meaningful to say about your comments at the meeting on 28/02 if I only get them on 26/02, but if that’s the only way, then we’ll surely find a way to deal with that.


Hello dear @reeflings,

For yesterday’s meeting: I changed the deadlines and the responsibilities as agreed in the Powerpoint presentation, which is saved on the Google Drive.

For next week’s meeting: I have created a skeleton Powerpoint where presenters (@alberto and @manuelpueyo in particular) can insert any slides should they want to.

To make it an efficient meeting I think it would be great if people will already have read the documents for discussion. @alberto and @manuelpueyo would you have an indication of when you will be able to share your drafts?

Hello dear @reeflings,
I just wanted to flag that Manuel has included a link to his proposal for the communication plan in the Powperpoint for tomorrow’s meeting.
Given that this is one of the most urgent things right now, may I suggest that you focus your efforts first on this before anything else?

Hello dear @reeflings,
Just a quick ping to let you know that the draft minutes of yesterday’s meeting are in the usual place.