Milano meeting: can we do the data workshop on the 28th?

Calling especially @Costantino and @melancon .

We were planning to give a massive push to the dashboard design. This requires both the team Bordeaux and @Amelia in the room. We just found out that Amelia will have to be back to Boston on the 30th. This rules out the 30th as a day for doing that.

We propose to start with the “free activities” instead. If we jump right in and do the prototyping on Monday 28th, then Jason and Bruno can implement the code (Python/Tulip to Javascript) while Guy, Luce, Noemi and I participate in the activities of the steering committee. Would this work?

A quick reply is appreciated – the sooner we book our tickets, the better!

Also @markomanka@Lakomaa | @Rossana_Torri | @Franca

Works for me …

… and the whole Bordeaux team – we’ll be on site on the 27th (evening).

@Jason_Vallet and @bpinaud and @LuceChiodelliUB

ok for me

so we basically have a parallel session on the 28th data workshop. right?!

mon 28 nov : all day will be used to present each other all the activities (as suggested by Guy) Steering Comitee & data workshop (in parallel)

tue 29 nov : all day will be used to an open activities / event

wed 30 nov: maker activities & one2one partner meeting with Luce about Admin

Nope - permute planned agenda on Nov 28 and Nov 29

So the new agenda becomes:

mon 28 nov : all day will be used to an open activities / event

tue 29 nov : all day will be used to present each other all the activities (as suggested by Guy) Steering Comitee

wed 30 nov: maker activities & one2one partner meeting with Luce about Admin

Guy is correct

Ok, if this works for you guys we can move forward. Thank you so much!

fine for me!


not so fine. not so sure

i need time to check if it’s possible to reschedule.

not super sure it’ll be possibile.


you can use wemake also on sunday if you need!

Thanks Costa

27 is doable for ER. Not sure for UBx though.

not possible


unfortunately for Ezio Manzini it’s not possible to change.

So the calendar has to stick

mon 28 nov : all day will be used to present each other all the activities (as suggested by Guy) Steering Comitee & data workshop (in parallel)

tue 29 nov : all day will be used to an open activities / event

wed 30 nov: maker activities & one2one partner meeting with Luce about Admin

Too bad

UBx can’t make it on Sun evening – landing at MIlano airport at 9pm.

I don’t mind working late on Mon after we are done with the agenda. I assume @bpinaud and @Jason_Vallet are also ok. What about @Alberto and @Amelia ?


As it is now, we have a data session and the steering committee overlapping. Guy, Noemi and I would need to be in both, so that would need some serious acrobatics. I understand that Ezio is going to run something on the 29th, and that is the unmovable part, right? So, how about flipping 28th and 30th?

mon 28 nov : one2one partner meeting with Luce about Admin & data workshop (in parallel)

tue 29 nov : all day will be used to an open activities / event

wed 30 nov: all day will be used to present each other all the activities (as suggested by Guy): Steering Committee maker activities

This will reduce the overlap significantly.

Apologies for this. Our bad.


this is possible

everyone of the steering comitee as to be there on the 30th

@LuceChiodelliUB if you check on this for us it’s possible to move like that

mon 28 nov : one2one partner meeting with Luce about Admin & data workshop (in parallel)

tue 29 nov : all day will be used to an open activities / event

wed 30 nov: all day will be used to present each other all the activities (as suggested by Guy): Steering Committee maker activities

It is possible for me to skip -  the point was just to make sure that there was time somehow on the schedule, provided anyone needed to review admin or financial stuff with me, that’s about it.

One-on-one is useful

None of the partner will want to listen to other partner’s admin needs. So I think allocating considerable time to one-on-one makes total sense.

Fine for us

mon 28 nov : one2one partner meeting with Luce about Admin & data workshop (in parallel)

tue 29 nov : all day will be used to an open activities / event

wed 30 nov: all day will be used to present each other all the activities (as suggested by Guy): Steering Committee maker activities

