Minutes LOTE5 Community call vol.IV - this week tasks

This was the agenda:

  • Registration/Join the Team adjustments suggested by Antiheroes

  • Supporting partners updates

  • Speakers/Participants/Partners updates

  • Development track launch

  • Twitter feed setup

  • Ticket policy round II

  • Logo choice?

Sitemap/Ticket policy round II:

Feedback from FuckupNights community on the LOTE5 minisite:

-not very clear what Edgeryders/ LOTE5 is

-hard to understand where to start, how to contribute etc.

-intimidating… less actionable but says a lot.

Kira proposed a new website map in order to overcome this. Here the link.

We need:

  • to redesign the Welcome page with a new pic + LOTE5 logo (Kira)
  • need a new page with “Who is behind this” (Noemi to set up, Kira to edit)
  • re-design the tasks page with Teams, more similar to last year (Noemi) -> more effective for people who don’t understand exactly who is doing what; each team will have a friendly, accessible text and be the coordination spot and link to a number of tasks; not all teams need tasks right now, but could be good sites for people to find their way and start engaging, come up with ideas, enlist to complete tasks onsite etc.
  • need a task for last minute stuff: Volunteering on spot; we will be awarding ticket on the basis of “If you commit to this, we trust you will do it and we’ll get you a ticket”
  • show the value of tasks in the text, not title (it’s intimidating!)
  • open up the tracks so that people that feel like contributing with a session/keynote/blogposts on a topic can do it whenever they feel like it.



-knows a guy who is doing cleanup after failed development programs

-teaching at a school in Denmark that used to be a hippie commune in the 60’ and the spot where the first windmill was built; could be sharing stories like: in Africa where they wanted to provide more modern access to water for villages it brought more fuckups than improvements for life there

-will do a writeup by Saturday


-will have a skype call with someone who broke off with UN development work in Palestine; it’d be great to have a writeup online as quickly as possible so we can refer him to it


-met someone potentially interested in LOTE or more likely Edgeryders who could be trailing on work on communities; referred him to Dan and Matt e.g for cities or govs to get in touch with their people in a better way;

-he needs someone to explain him why Lote is the right venue

-he could be linked to the refugee policies failure track


-Kira and Irene are contacting people, but still need time to get answers


From Lote4:

-She analyzed LOTE4 and how it was built and she came up with 3 phases: 1st is the participant decision journey, why Edgeryders is worth your attention, time and what’s different (we need a one pager/landing page to emphasize why LOTE is the place for paritcipants), 2nd is the interaction, 3rd are the tracks, the material and resources that will nurture LOTE.

-Participant decision journey: what info people needed; who are these people and why are they interesting? We need a 1 pager about Edgeryders; Landing pages as lenses, for the activist, for the punker etc that we can test with viewers saying “we’re not great at this, this is a do-ocracy” (Sam) Example: https://edgeryders.eu/en/edgeryders-lbg/nurture-your-networks

The offer of engaging with Lote is getting to that point of really good writing and getting a brilliant presentation, materialized in writing, of your thoughts pulled through this process “You get to be not just audience, we help you become a thought leader”

What’s next (week 13-19 Nov):

- Updates of the mini website @Noemi and @KiraVde

- Landing page/one pager Edgeryders @Nadia leading

- Partnership push for replies @ireinga

- Venue push for replies @ireinga

- Development track @Natalia_Skoczylas

- Launch blogpost @Nadia + Antiheroes

- Tweetfeed @Alberto is giving instructions + Antiheroes

Found the image…

that says. Writing, drawing, discussing things is a way of thinking as some assumptions actually get tested for absurdity that can hide in an individual’s mental blind spot:

@nadia I discussed another landing page layout with Natalia. Its is very draft, but if you put yours up I can try to use your style as guide and put it up as well.


Crafting the content here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pSbv8Pye4tB0_k52bnnsjNq_eqB5qpiFOyAFlYt90NA/edit?usp=sharing

Just add yours there?