(Monthly) Facilitation training - The Reef

@reeflings Following a very insightful facilitation training, we are happy to create a monthly space (of around 1.5 hours to be discussed together) for all the members. This is to start learning and practicing facilitation skills that are relevant for the sociocracy context of TheReef and our professional contexts :). I hope you can join us!
The first poll is just to map if Thursday could be an option. If this is something you are interested in, let us know if another weekday will work best.

  • Every 1st Thursday of the Month
  • Every 4rd (last) Thursday of the Month

0 voters


Thanks for setting this up @Janet! The more members who are familiar with facilitating sociocratic meetings the better for the group, regardless of whether everyone actually facilitates or not :slight_smile:

You might need to redo the poll though, because it’s not showing who has voted. This also happened to me the last time I set up a poll, and I seem to remember that there was a function I forgot to apply that does this…

@mieke do you know how to enable this in a poll? I recall you did a poll for the training day.

Hi Janet, yeah I made the same mistake when I made my first poll :wink: You can find the manual in the manual for Edgeryders (point 12): https://c301.nl.tabdigital.eu/f/74101 1
→ The trick is to tick the “show who voted” box so you can see who voted for what. Unfortunately, there is no way to edit a poll, so the only option is to delete this one and to create a new one…


thaaanks! there’s so many different documents sometimes :slight_smile: to navigate

Now with the ‘showing results’ poll … @reeflings Following a very insightful facilitation training, we are happy to create a monthly space (of around 1.5 hours to be discussed together) for all the members. This is to start learning and practicing facilitation skills that are relevant for the sociocracy context of TheReef and our professional contexts :). I hope you can join us!
The first poll is just to map if Thursday could be an option. If this is something you are interested in, let us know if another weekday will work best.

(Monthly) Facilitation Training - Community of Practice
  • Every 1st Thursday of the Month
  • Every 4rd (last) Thursday of the Month
0 voters
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I voted for both, but I am not sure I can commit to attending all sessions.

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I cannot vote in 1st en 4th thursday because once it could be when I have the kids or otherwise. When the dates are known I will truly try to assist some.


kindly remind @reeflings to vote as ideally in Oct. would be nice to start these sessions. Thanks!

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Sorry, thursday evenings are not ok for me, I give priority to plenary sessions.
But I’m still very interested in taking part.

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better for me wednesday evenings

Hi, I cannot commit upfront. So whatever you chose is ok, and per session I will see if I can attend or not.
Hope that is okay.

So let’s try Thurs. 26th of October - 4rd Thursday of the month. I will add it to the agenda. @Lee If it’s ok for you, let’s go ahead only if at least 5 people can join cc @ChrisM @mieke ople can join cc @ChrisM @mieke. About the place, it can be at our place in Schaaerbek, 7-9pm?

Hi Janet
Unfortunately I won’t be able to attend this one because I already have a ticket for a piece of theater that evening.

@janet - thanks for all your work trying to get this up and running! Team Recruitment and Onboarding had a discussion about maybe combining this regular facilitation training session with ongoing sociocracy training. It would be a way of getting more people involved, and Team Facilitation could get practice at facilitating different types of rounds with more people. Will you be at the plenary on Thursday? It would be good to reconnect and think about the best way of moving forward… :slight_smile:


@Janet can it please be an option to do this online? I have way too many Reef meetings these days, and doing it online would save me a couple of hours.

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Yes, it’s a good idea. I wanted to propose that as well as the rest of the year seems packed already :slight_smile: Maybe we can keep one in November/Dec online as @Lee is proposing? On Thursday I can’t be there, I have a work meeting til 8.30 and Victor is in the Netherlands that day. We will join the next one.

@ChrisM @mieke here are other ideas from the ‘Art of hosting’ in The Netherlands: 5-7Dec https://www.aohnetherlands.org/
, a friend is part of it and she highly recommended their courses :slight_smile: cheers

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Thanks @Janet !

Looks like a very interesting and worthwhile course. But the 950 euros + VAT might be a bit beyond our budget. There is about 800 left over for Team Facilitation from the last budget period, so perhaps possible to send one person (if we get the scholarship discount) and have them come back and do workshops for the rest of us regarding what they’ve learnt. It’s a Tuesday to Thursday event, so that rules me out.

Tagging all @reeflings to see if anyone is interested…


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oops then never mind indeed this is quite expensive. Maybe there will be other more affordable courses in the future or courses for non-profits.

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