My 2 cents : radio activist, musical alchemist, ready to learn & participate :)

Hi ! My name is Simon, I love good food, good people, good music & by nature good projects.

I’m a radio producer, sporadic journalist, curious webexplorer and on top of that, a reallife traveler. I just moved, with no expectations & plans - except of being healthy & happy - in Rabat, Morocco.

I discovered Edge Ryders energies & community, thanks to @unknown_author. He knew I’d be interested to participate, learn, interact w/ a project like The Reef MENA.

I’m ready to meet the maximum of you during workshops, here & there, help arming a festival, a community radio, learn how to do magic stuff & funky things.

For that, I guess that I’m going to apply to the fellowship Edge Ryders is proposing.

Don’t hesitate to connect if you’re in Rabat ! So long :slight_smile:


Welcome then @SyMorin! A trip by @nadia to Morocco, including Rabat I think, is coming up soon.