My Festival Registration – response by ilhem maalaoui

Ask the person who is speaking right now what their name is, and if they already have an account? Add their answer here.

ilhem maalaoui

What is the person who is speaking saying? Please try to write every word – sometimes a single word can unlock a lot of thoughts!

étudiante en 2éme ingenieur à isamm manouba
j’ai 23ans
je suis ex responsable ressource humaine et trésorier actuellement memebre de la comité de contrôle à JOKER ESEN
ex memebre dans le club android esen
volontaire dans la vie associative

Take a minute to think about what has been said. What are your own thoughts about it – anything that you find especially interesting? Perhaps there is something you would like to explore more during the rest of the workshop?

ce n’est pas ma premiere experience dans le hackathon l’année derniere j’etais parmis les equipes gagnantes j’ai bien aimé le thématique du hackathon
il est bien organisé
équipe très dynamique

event: hack 4 enviromment
name: ilhem maalaoui