My Festival Registration – response by Mohamed Adel

Ask the person who is speaking right now what their name is, and if they already have an account? Add their answer here.

Mohamed Adel Omar
No i don’t have account

What is the person who is speaking saying? Please try to write every word – sometimes a single word can unlock a lot of thoughts!

ازاي وصلت انك تكون باحث في مجالك؟
عن طريق العمل في النظم الخبيرة
و لماذا؟
لتجميع المعلومات و تحليلها لفهم التغيرات المناخية
و توعيه و تحذير من التغيرات المناخيه

Take a minute to think about what has been said. What are your own thoughts about it – anything that you find especially interesting? Perhaps there is something you would like to explore more during the rest of the workshop?

ايهما تفضل القريه ام المدينه؟
القريه - اكثر نقاءا و اكثر هدوء و تساعد على التركيز بشكل اكبر
وجود الانترنت جعل تبادل المعلومات و التعلم اكثر و العمل ايضا

event: Hack 4 Environment Egypt
name: Mohamed Adel

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Hello @mohamed_adel_32, great to have you here!