My first interaction with a job: what's going on?

Hi all,

I haven’t finish yet my studies; in fact I’m in the third year at the Faculty of International Economic Relations. But recently I’ve tried to work , just to have a first contact with the labour market and to understand what I’d like to do further. Well, I must say that I was extremely disappointed and, during the month I used to work there, I’ve been asking myself everyday “What am I doing here?”. The company I’ve worked for is a huge one, with thousands of employees all over the world, so I thought that I would learn a lot of stuff there.

The “problem” was that I’m completely against the corporatist environment, where every employee is like a little robot, who has to do a lot of things, but he actually doesn’t know why he is doing those things. Unfurtunatelly, I believe that this is not just a problem of the company I used to work for, but is a problem of lots of companies, more or less. The huge problem is the perception managers have about those who are on a lower position. Managers sometimes don’t know how to motivate people and how to take benefits from employees’ ideas or skills.

I think the fact that o lot of people work just because they have to, without any personal contribution on what they are doing, it’s a very worrisome reality. We should create a new way of seeing things, a new way of being. We should work for pleasure, do the better we can to be satisfied, ask ourselves: “why am I doing that task? Why is it important? What can I learn from this?”

If we continue being passive, execute orders coming from bosses, it’s just fair to be consider like little robots, without personality and without opinions. My short experience in this multinational company taught me I have to be good in what I’m doing, to be self-confident and to have the courage to ask questions, in order to understand what I’m working for and why.

What is missing to leaders to engage with employees?

Disengaged employers not only damages the individual’s wellness but also leads to loss of economic productivity. Employee’s unhappiness impacts the well-being of another.

What do you think should be done by the corporate world to promote wellness at work? Can governments play a role in this? How can businesses and governments make the link between social well-being, community well-being and financial well-being?

What kind of data, information, should be gathered, so that leaders consider whether they should engage emotionally with their employees and even their customers, in order to improve and increase business?


It’s very difficult to answer this question. I don’t think there is any specific actions governments could do. It depends mainly on everyone’s perception. I think the owner of a company should transmit to all employees (it meens also to managers) the idea that we are in a business, so in business we have to be productive. If a manager feels his job like his own business, he will be more motivated to treat his dependent like his custumer, and we all now that a custumer should be always satisfied.

Concluding, I think the change sould come from the top of the companies. Directors are those who can transmit a new attitude to the entire company.

Can you help?

Salut Amalia!

I came across your report (I managed to miss it, sorry! :frowning: ) as i was reading an analysis of edgeryders as we struggle to make a living and find meaning in what we do, often at the cost of less revenues for our work… Here’s what it says, quoting you:

Common characteristic of the Edgeryders active on the labour market is their search for a meaning – they seek a broader picture, like Amalia who strongly opposes being only a little brick in the wall, just another ant in dehumanising and conformist working culture:

“The ‘problem’ was that I’m completely against the corporatist environment, where every employee is like a little robot, who has to do a lot of things, but he actually doesn’t know why he is doing those things.”

We are aware that Amalia’s concern is not anything new, one of the most famous renaissance people – Leonardo Da Vinci said:  “Make your work to be in keeping with your purpose”.

The idea of the report is that its content will be the basis for a handbook about transition that is supposed to inform policy makers (perhaps you remember the session at Lote about this?)…

So I was wondering if you could have a look on the analysis - the summary and link to full report posted here and let us know your thoughts… if it resonates with you and if you feel it’s an accurate portrait of Edgeryders…? There’s also a discussion on internships, or on what employers look for, whether it’s specialized employees or ones with very diverse skill sets…? - that one is unclear to me, maybe you have an idea from your experience?

Thank you, much appreciated!

Amen to that

Yours is a common complaint, it seems. Many people here are apparently exploring the wild world outside the corporate walls, in search for more autonomy and more meaning. You might enjoy this forceful reflection from our very own Vinay.