Need sys admin for paid project

I’m running a WordPress multisite installation on a Ubuntu/Nginx server. Need some help with setting up monitoring configurations because the site has gone done for a few hours at a time and (lacking support staff to monitor 24/7) I need to implement both some security measures as well as monitoring/reboot processes.

$100 USD or 80euros to start. More if necessary, TBD.


Let’s see if something comes through. Thanks for sharing with the community!

Simple, reliable and free external hosting.

I am using Uptime Robot and am very happy with it.

Ha! I just found uptime robot soon after posting this job offer. Seems to be working so far but still need to hire a developer to do more advanced things, so hopefully someone will see the post eventually!

Did you solve this?

Hey, @peteratomic, did you eventually find your developer? Do you need any more help with pushing it out?

No, not yet. Have a couple of good leads, but still searching!