Negotiators: draft proposal

As agreed at the last plenary, I have prepared a draft proposal on the role description for the negotiators.

@reef-governance and @reef-finance: would some of you be willing to do a quick peer review?

This is the internal link:

I have badly planned my time this last week, so I apologise for coming up with this at the last minute.

Great work Lie!

I’ve had a look and left a couple of small comments.

There was a few grammar and spelling changes I wanted to make, but I couldn’t get track changes to work… has this function changed on the platform? I went to ‘Edit’ then ‘Track changes’ and selected ‘Show’, but this didn’t seem to have any effect when I did something to the text (so I didn’t do anything). Do I have to select ‘Record’ instead of ‘Show’ ?

Thanks a lot for that @ChrisM!

For tracked changes you indeed need to use the “record” function.