Nesta Funding for Below The Radar groups

Nesta have a new research grant worth £10,000 that I thought might be worth looking into at some point?

“This grant is for research exploring new data driven methods for mapping what is often referred to as the ‘Below the Radar (BTR)’ organisations - small voluntary organisations, community groups and more informal or semi-formal activities in the third sector which, in most cases, aren’t represented in any formal register or database but make up large amounts of the activity happening in the third sector / civil society / the social economy. These grants are about exploring new data driven methods for researching and understanding BTR activity, and we are therefore looking to award up to five research grants, worth £10,000 each.”

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i forgot to log in before i posted the message!

Authorship fixed


Why not…

We can do this in our sleep, right?

Say a bunch of Edgeryders say they’re up for doing this, how does the bureaucracy/paperwork work?

I’m happy to do ‘work’, I just don’t like accountability/paperwork/bureaucracy.

I’ll investigate

I’m planning to map ‘below the radar groups’ in Matera anyway so i’m happy to look into it.

Consider us…

[Lucia], this is something Edgeryders LBG would consider learning how to do, with a view perhaps to making it a piece of our local development methodology to apply, also, elsewhere. Is there any way we could collaborate, using Matera as a test bed?

Quick Question

Is it applicable to projects outside of the UK?

We’ve been having quite a time with flakey/no internet (etc) but hopefully we’ll be able to provide an update soon and give an overview of some of things we’ve been working on that may relate directly to this. Also [lagaia] is scheduled to give us an evaluation framework that would match with this.

Lucia let me know your thoughts on what you think is expected and I’ll feedback approiately :slight_smile:

regarding the UK issue…

I’ve been in touch with Nesta to find out if we, or the proejct, need to be based in UK so I’ll post back as soon as I find out. But if it is possible then yes Alberto I think it could work really well as a collaboration.

Not too bad

Edgeryders is indeed a British company. :slight_smile: