New and improved forum space

Hello @reeflings, I have moved all content in our old Reef category over to a new and shiny The Reef top level category on Edgeryders. You no longer find it under EarthOS, but on the main page, a bit further down. All links remain the same, but you might need to re-subscribe to the category (set yourselves as “watching”).

The main advantage is that we can now create sub-categories within the category, like team-specific workspaces or the like. I already created a sub-category for web content, where now a prototype website lives. The domain still points to the old website, but I hope to redirect it in the coming days, as we receive the illustration from @nadia and the new form from @manuelpueyo.

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Thanks a lot @alberto! Very much appreciated!

Can we have a sub-forum entitled “meetings and other not-so-interesting issues” for all threads that are not so interesting? Now we have them all in one thread, and that is starting to become quite confusing.

Voilà: I called it practicalities because category names should not be too long. I leave it to @lee to:

  1. edit the About post. Follow the template to do so.
  2. Move the topics that you want moved into the new subcat.

To do the latter, navigate to the topic, then click on the pencil icon to the right of the title. Next, click on the arrow that opens the drop-down menu of the category that the topic is in (currenty The Reef ) and choose practicalities

To save and close, click on the check mark icon. :heavy_check_mark:

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