New LOTE video (in Italian!)

@ilariadauria and her friend Sylvain have made a lovely video explaining lote in Italian. Thanks to them both! We should add it to the minisite and use it for social media engagement :slight_smile:

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It was a real pleasure… speak about upskilling!

Maybe it is only my distorted impression linked to distance and my having been on/off the Net for the past days, but I was wondering if now could be the moment to start integrating video in Italian + open letter to Materani + pasta party proposal (like in a sexy graphic). I have the feeling that from September on things are just going to start to move really fast, and now is the time to start operating.

What do you think about the timing?

Well done!

Hey you, good to see you’re back!

We will be pushing out the video anyway, but before our next big call for help to Matera I would settle on a system whereby we know exactly what our needs are - eg how many people need accommodation - free or really cheap, who’s coming when and needs to be guided - and what offers are already there. Otherwise we risk ending up with a lot of pending emails like we are now. Talk about it on Friday in the call? You joining? wondering when [elf Pavlik] will be back to help us :slight_smile:

Also, Ilaria meet Silvia [s.colandrea1], born and bread in Matera. Or maybe you two know each other? she has kindly offered to help with translation stuff and also internal communication… Thanks so much Silvia!

Friday Call!

Perfect, I agree totally, yes I will be there on Friday. Great :slight_smile: