New models for Covid19 recovery and the Green New Deal: A case study - Comment Invitation

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    "logos": [
      "image": "edgeryders",
      "url": ""
      "image": "",
      "url": ""
    "title": "New models for Covid19 recovery and the Green New Deal: A case study & survey",
    "text": "14466",
    "confirmation": {
      "title": "Thanks for your response",
      "text": "Check your inbox to confirm your Edgeryders account, join the discussion on the platform."
    "account": {
      "title": "I'm new",
      "login": "I already have a username",
      "text": "We want to help you to get in contact with others who are inspired by examples such as the Messina project and/or driven by the local needs to make a difference. Answer a few questions below to get in contact for conversations and collaborations that are different and can make a difference."
    "partners": {
      "title": "In partnership with",
      "logos": [
      "image": "",
      "url": ""
    "publish": {
      "topic": 14466
  "fields": [
      "type": "textarea",
      "title": "How can we help swarms develop around sticky, relevant social questions - creating conversations, relationships, and ultimately projects?",
       "placeholder": "   "
      "type": "textarea",
      "title": "What, if anything at all, can we learn from startup incubation and acceleration in creating a structured approach to supporting civil society groups in becoming more effective in creating political change?",
      "placeholder": "   "
      "type": "textarea",
      "title": "How can a new generation of political actors integrate turn political campaigns towards community building principles - and can we open-source this?",
      "placeholder": "   "
      "type": "radio",
      "title": "Do you want to schedule a call to discuss further collaborations?",
      "options": ["Yes", "No"]
      "type": "submit",
      "text": "Send your answer"