New social event: brunch The Reef vs. Parti Collective on July 21st

Parti Collective is a group of people, many of whom I have known and lovedfor many years, looking to make a contribution towards a more regenerative civilization. They are gathering in Brussels for their next meeting, and they are very interested in cohousing (@Katebee singlehandedly pushed a vision for cohousing when we were wargaming local climate policies with the Science Fiction Economics Lab – see here if you are down for a lot of nerdiness) – in fact, one of their activities revolve around what they call co-living. They are very curious about The Reef and great people all around, so I thought I would organize a social activity where the two groups can share a brunch.

This will be a potluck, and take place in @Lee’s garden in Uccle, on July 21st at 11.00. All @reeflings, significant others and children invited – and may the Brussels weather gods smile upon us. Please fill in the survey below so we know whether you are coming.

The Reef + Parti Collective brunch on Sunday 21st July
  • I will be there!
  • Sorry, can’t make it
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