title: Campaign Template
template: Campaign
theme: Edgeryders
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## The Overview I July 3 - July 11
How can we support the coworking sector?
---Dear family and friends,
Over the past week we have been asking ourselves a lot of questions about what the future of work will look like, particularly as we prepare for our coworking event that will take place on July 21.
The purpose of the event is to explore how we can support the recovery of the coworking sector, which has been turned on its head with restrictions put in place to protect public health during the pandemic.
With the future of work shaping up for a big move to remote work, it looks like our coworking spaces will be a big part of many people’s lives.
Some early indications from those speaking at our event already show this. Erin Westover is the European market lead at proptech company Upflex, which has seen an uptick in queries during the crisis, with organisations deciding to make a move toward distributed work.
Upflex works with established companies that have staff working remotely and allows employees to see which co-working spaces near their homes are free. Westover said before the crisis she needed to explain the technology and its importance to clients but now people are aware of its merits and are showing more interest.
The fact that the company’s technology allows its users to enter and exit co-working space using their phone as a key, is really relevant at a time when public health is a priority and contact free ways of doing things are encouraged
Similarly, Jonny Cosgrove, the founder of, which provides virtual reality meeting room software that focuses on collaboration for smaller groups of three to 20 people, has seen an increased number of sign-ups during the crisis and a lot of interest from coworking spaces who are sensing the change.
As many workers have become ‘Zoomed-out’ in recent months, Cosgrove offers a solution that focuses on human communication ncompassng oral communication with body language and space.
It wouldn’t be an Edgeryders’ summit without plenty of questions - we will be exploring further how we can retain the connectedness we have built during Covid -19 going forward.
Gary O’Meara who is the chairman of the National Association of Community Enterprise Centres, co-working spaces in Ireland, and one of our speakers at the event. He has made the point that Covid 19 has helped us become more connected: “How can we build on that?”
Maybe the answer to that question lies in Faye Alund’s thoughts that the power of community to “activate initiatives and make them more successful” should be utilised in coworking spaces.
Faye is the president of Coworking Indonesia, a community-focused coworking space of entrepreneurs and social activists, and will be one of our speakers at the event.
Mayur Sontakke is an owner of a coworking space in Goa, India. Like Faye, he is of the opinion that co-working spaces need to focus on community to prosper. Within his space, he focuses on community, customer services and building relationships.
Another coworking owner will also be speaking at the event - Nacho Rodriquez, based in the Canary Islands, Spain. For him coworking spaces can do more than just bring a community together, they can also bring affluence to certain areas that may not have attracted industry. With his long term plan is to extend his offerings to more rural locations.
Join our summit on July 21, by signing up here .
For more information on our speakers read this thread.
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