Next milestone: mid-October

Hello @reeflings,

We are in a decisive stage in the project now, where almost every day counts. In the next six weeks our key priorities are finalising the “esquisse” stage with the architects, so that we can get final clarity about where the units will be located and how much they will cost. A second priority will be to get all of our legal and financial machinery in place. Another challenge will be to recruit more Reeflings, and make sure that they engage with onboarding, so that we can continue to run smoothly as a group.

It looks like this is going to be an intense period, and so I think it will now be even more important that we pay a lot of attention to deadlines, while at the same time bringing in a lot of self-care. As for the former, deadlines, my recommendation would be to set intermediate milestones, keep evaluating how things are going, and to change things flexibly whenever needed. As for the latter, self-care, my recommendation would be to reach out whenever you feel you are stuck with a certain task, when you are feeling overwhelmed, when you’d like to talk about something etc. We are all in this together, and we’ll make it work together.

Having a look at the agenda items that will need to be consented to, it looks like many things are still work-in-progress, which means they will only be ready by mid-October. This is why I would like to propose that we organise a Reef weekend on 12-13 October. Tentatively I put in the 12th as a plenary, and the 13th as a FM meeting, but this we can see later. Can you please save the date for now?

There’s of course many more meetings before that, and we should use these wisely. If you want to schedule a topic at a meeting, please feel free to add it to one of the agendas or else to give me a sign.


Thank you for pointing this out! One concern for the date of the weekend: Sunday 13 October is the day of local elections


and i am designated as ‘bijzitter’ on the 13th…

Same, I am an assessor for the elections on the 13th, so not available either.
And on the 12th I am going to a concert with my mother, so only available in the morning, if needed.

@mieke @els I was just notified that I will also be an assessor that Sunday :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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Join the club :blush:

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