Next phase of Treasure ethnographic research

@bojanbobic, many thanks, Bojan, that is great! I will check with them then!

Hello @siri, was a error message displayed? If so, please post it here. Are you able to reproduce the error? As soon as we can reproduce it I can fix it.

Sounds off, if you mean the forum or graphryder best check with @Daniel / @matthias !

Hi @daniel,
the following error message is displayed:

Thanks, I’m able to reproduce the error. Should be fixed tomorrow. I’ll post here when done.

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Turns out it’s several bugs introduced by the recent Discourse upgrade we performed. I will have to update dependencies of the annotator component to fix them.
Merging codes already works again, but editing codes is still broken. I also disabled the “Translate” view until it’s fixed (which also edits codes).
The currently broken “Edit code” feature allows to (1) move codes into a different parent code (2) change the code name(s) and (3) change the code description.
(1) is still possible by using the “Move to code” feature in the list of codes. (2) and (3) are currently broken.
I’ll fix it asap. but will at least take several days.

@Ivan This is now done - I’ve embedded @pykoe’s widget onto the about page, as well as using it as a background on the homepage. If you need to change the caption or its placement, just let me know.

Note - it is not interactive, like the Graphryder page, which is why the Graphryder link is in the caption. The code I used is a D3 visualization of the JSON nodes, the same functionality provided by @pykoe’s code

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Post-server migration fixes in the webkit

@siri it seems that @daniel actually explained the issue with what you and I were discussing in the code master thread regarding editing – apparently the function is broken right now but should be fixed soon. Go ahead and keep coding and @daniel could you please let @siri and I know when the “edit code” function is fixed so we can streamline some codes in the corpus?


Hi @siri ,
editing and merging codes is now fixed (as well as pagination of annotations and editing user preferences).


hi @daniel, great, many thanks!