Next phase of Treasure ethnographic research

Proposing a brief agenda for today’s call:

  • finalising the accompanying document for TXT’s eco-design module: introduction to Graphryder
  • sending the first brief version today, preparing a Treasure customised version including the videos and visuals using Hugi’s introduction: ideally, the output will be a customisable manual for Graphryder (@owen, @pykoe, @Nica)
  • update on the ongoing outreach and engagement campaign (@bojanbobic)
  • the batches of interviews in German from Berlin and Stuttgart are now uploaded on the platform, @siri - timeline for coding
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I had to make an emergency trip to the dentist as my filling fell out this morning. I will be back by 12 pm my time and could get on the phone quickly then.

Hi everyone,

My sincere apologies. I got confused about the cancellation of the meetings, and I assumed we wouldn’t meet yesterday!
Thanks for all the info @ivan. I already saw the batches for the coding and will discuss the timeframe with @Nica.
Merry Christmas and happy and festive holidays to all of you. Best of energy and luck for 2024!

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Hi everyone,
Apologies for not being able to participate in the meeting yesterday.
I got sick and spent all day in the bed.

Merry Christmas and all the best for the upcoming holidays!

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Tuesday 26 December
Meeting @ivan @owen @bojanbobic

We discussed the Open call and finalizing details for TREASURE landing page

Open call

A few things were added and will be changed:

  • We increased the total fund for the stories
  • The chosen stories will be illustrated
  • Stories will have 3000 words, and participants will send a 500-word sample first to my e-mail

Landing page

Final updates are/will be made by @owen

  • Text about the project was placed in the footer
  • Creators section is deleted
  • About and Who are we sections will be accessible only through the header. Their boxes won’t be visible on the front page
  • Join the discussion will be returned back to the front page
  • Owen is working on integrating @pykoe’s JSON
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@siri – just bringing our conversation from email onto the platform to have everything in one place.

You estimated about 60 hours for coding the German interviews, and that it would take about 10 weeks. That should be fine assuming @ivan confirms that our final deliverable is moved to April. If that is the case, 10 weeks brings us right to the end of February, so let’s have that as the hard deadline. Does that work for you?

@ivan please confirm that April will be the target date?

I will ask that next week. I don’t expect pushback and it is safe to assume there won’t be any problems.

Nevertheless, the sooner @siri starts with coding, the better.


@all Happy New Year!


Happy New Year everyone!

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@siri – can you please confirm that the coding timeline for the German transcripts works for you?

@Nica, I confirm the deadline but suggest extending it to one with more into March, as one week has passed during the Christmas break. I will update you also on the progress and speed of my coding. Is this fine with you?

Assuming @Ivan gets the ok for the moved deadline (which sounds like it won’t be a problem), one week into March is all right! Then we can make the deadline March 7th.

Dear all,
I can’t attend the meeting today but will be present in 2 weeks!
Have a great Friday,


Today @bojanbobic and I discussed the continuation of the outreach and engagement campaign and how to contribute to dissemination in Treasure.
Bojan will post the detailed notes afterwards.

@pykoe have you managed to prepare a guide to Graphryder as we discussed? It should be ready by next Friday because we need to show it on the Consortium meeting in Lugano a couple of days later and I need some time to include it in my prez.
@Nica - some more car recycling related details in the Graphryder manual for Treasure are welcome. Do you feel the other chapters (from 1-4) are good as they are?
@owen - did you connect with @pykoe on JSON for the Treasure website? Is it possible to have it embedded by Friday (it would be useful to have it ready before the Consortium meeting too).
@inge - let’s connect next week about texts and illustrations

Also, happy New Year all and get well soon those of you who are sick!


@ivan I will go through the chapters again tomorrow to be sure and see if there are any other places for small user-friendly individualizations/tailoring to Treasure.

Hello all, Happy new year, all the best.
I was quite sick during the end year. I fill better :slight_smile:
I’ve started the refactoring of the manual. I should have a version this Wednesday if it fit for you @ivan

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Hi everyone! I was also under the weather, now hopefully getting better. Wish you all happy New Year.
During the meeting with Ivan I presented the following regarding the outreach and engagement activities:

Linkedin campaign (promoted links)

I was running two campaigns to promote Open call and to boost Economies of scale post

Results are following:
Open call for Engaging Stories

  • Impressions 22,346
  • Engagements 126
  • Engagement rate 7.46%
  • Clicks 120
  • Click-through rate 2.96%
  • Reactions 6
  • Comments 0
  • Reposts 5

Economies of Scale

  • Impressions 18,579
  • Engagements 183
  • Engagement rate 8.16%
  • Clicks 172
  • Click-through rate 3.31%
  • Reactions 14
  • Comments 4
  • Reposts 6

Linkedin sales navigator campaign

I am adding targeted audience as connections and sending them a short message to start a conversation and invite them to join our discussions. So far around 40 people showed interested in the project and I shared the link of our landing page. Around 320 people were contacted

This week I changed targeted audience and looking forward to the same response rate.
I will recontact people with whom I already established a connection.

Reddit & Twitter

Tried to do some outreach and engagement activities there, but the efficiency is very low and engagement almost non existent. Therefore, the focus will be on LinkedIN

Open Call

Spread the news around Edgeryders community, private contacts and Linkedin community. So far, there are 2-3 potential writers from Edgeryders community, 2 people from LinkedIN and 1-2 from my private network.

This week I will check on everyone and motivate them to participate in the call.


Ivan and I discussed a possibility to organize AMA at the end of February and/or March. I am checking on the potential speakers from the LinkedIN campaign connections. Will inform you about it

Next steps

  • set another LinkedIN promoted campaign
  • continue contacting targeted audience to join the discussions
  • Promote Open Call for stories on Linkedin and in Linkedin groups
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Happy new year everyone! Also battling with a bit of a cold here.

I will try my best to implement this before next week.

Hello everyone, and happy mid-week,
I have been experiencing some issues with the Edgeryders website. When I wanted to work on the codes (editing, merging codes. etc.), the website stopped being processed, and it didn’t work. At first, I thought there was just an internet or WIFI issue, but it still happens. @owen, could you help or assist me with whom I shall contact for this matter?
Many thanks!

Not sure if Owen is online. If I am not wrong, I think it is best to check with @matthias or @daniel