Next plenary meeting

Hello @reeflings,

Our next plenary is planned for Wednesday 20 December.

Because it’s so close to the Christmas break, I’d like to get an overview on who will be able to make it to that meeting. Can you please fill in the poll below?

  • Nope, can’t make it
  • I can only be present if it’s online
  • I can be present, but I prefer to do it online
  • I can be present and I prefer to meet IRL
  • I can be present and it doesn’t matter to me whether it’s online or IRL
0 voters
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My mom is coming the day before. I will do my best to try to join

Doing a quick round for the agenda:

@sarah: do I get it right that you will be presenting 3 pre-feasibility studies? If yes, can you please add the links to the agenda?

@reef-coordination: are there any items that you’d like to add to the agenda?

From what I can see we are looking at another relatively thin agenda. With dark days and 5 extra people who can join us if it’s online, I would propose to do it online.


Are the revised Governance doc and the Sociocracy training proposal planned for the agenda of this plenary?

For the Governance Document we first need a Team Governance meeting. The proposal on sociocracy is on the agenda.

Hi @Lee
We are in Spain, so unfortunately can’t come to the plenary this time.
Nothing much from teem finance /legal, unless somebody would like to give a very brief intro to where we are with the statutes and that there is a wish to sign them in February 2024. And that more concrete proposal /presentation will be presented early February.

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Hello @reeflings,

We’ll be meeting on Wednesday at 19:30 for our last plenary meeting of the year.

The agenda is in the usual place: Team Reef > Plenary meetings > Agendas & minutes. This is the direct link:

The most important agenda items are a vote on two pre-feasibility studies, and a proposal to bring in more sociocracy training.

Practical details:

  • We log in at 19:30 at the latest, and start the check-in at 19:35 sharp.

  • Is there anybody who has access to a professional Zoom link? If yes, can you please confirm in this thread, and add the link in the Nextcloud calendar?

  • If you can’t make it, please let us know by moving your name in the agenda document.

  • For newlings: there is a short plenary manual in the Onboarding Package

See you then!


Hi @Lee, thanks a lot for the update. We can use my corporate zoom account. I´ve added the zoom link in the calendar.


Just to let you know that the the presentation report went from ‘work in progress’ to ‘work’ :slight_smile: I’ve updated the link

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Hope you’re doing fine?!
I’m struggling a bit with the different platforms and documents on NextCloud.
Would it be possible to detail the way to access the zoom link/to the calendar?


Hi @Quentin,

I sent you the details in a private message her on Edgeryders. If you have any further difficulties, best is to contact your buddy on Signal.

See you in a bit!

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