Next public presentation: 17 April 2024

after a lot of struggle with facebook ads (this system changes a lot and i am not a pro on this) I managed to submit the add. it’s being revised by facebook

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@manuelpueyo @Hilde I am looking on Instagram for The Reef but I can’t find it (I’m an IG analphabet, so it’s probably me). Can you help me to find the account?

@mieke and @ChrisM, I am updating the slide deck. Can you please tell me what you would like to put as a deadline for the associate membership applications?

Hi Lee, nothing has changed about the deadlines so normally this would be:

  • filling in the survey: 24 April
  • associate membership: 3 weeks later => 15 May
    @ChrisM correct me if I am wrong?

Hello @manuelpueyo,

We only received 15 registrations so far, which is a bit exceptional and sub-optimal in view of all the time and energy we put into these presentations.

The question then is, what is causing this low level of registration and what we can do about it on such short notice.

We discussed it a little after the plenary meeting yesterday and we thought that maybe there is something about the new text that we are using. Yesterday we thought it was maybe the reference to families, but having looked at the text I don’t think it can be that. If it’s one thing, I think it’s the sentence that says it takes 2-3 hours of work per week. Given that this is not true for everybody in The Reef, and given the urgency, I’m gonna take this out just in case, and then we can do an evaluation after the presentation. Does that work?

While I’m in the Facebook account I’m also going to use the opportunity to put in a comment, and remind everybody that they need to register.

Another thing we were wondering about is the newsletter. Did you add the addresses of people who said they want to be registered after each presentation? I’ll contact you on Signal this afternoon to see whether there is something we can do here.

Would you have any other ideas on what we could do to further promote the event?

Hello Lie,

Thank you for the thought you put on this. I don’t have a clear answer,

I have launched a facebook add (paid adds) , it increased a bit the number of registrations. but i don’t think will change a lot.

Since we are a big community of Reefglins, the best we can do is to drop flyers to people in the street. I have given 4 flyers today to people I know in public spaces.


Hi @Dave_behave, just to let you know that there are 20 registrations so far, for 28 persons. Send me a message on Signal when you go shopping for stocking up the bar, then I’ll give you the updated number. See you on Wednesday! Don’t forget to bring the karaoke stuff.


In light of the long weekend, shall we given them until 20 May, so that they can still attend a social event if we would organise one during the weekend?


The updated Powerpoint is online.

@mieke and @ChrisM, when and where do we meet tomorrow?

Thx lie.
I already informed Chris that I cannot arrive before 7, so I’ll be there at 7 and I will print the attendee list.
Chris told me that he was going to pick-up the key and the usual stuff. Ping @ChrisM
See you tomorrow :slight_smile:

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@mieke and @Lee - sorry I’ve been so out of touch with this… crazy week :-/

I’ll text Victor at Miro tomorrow and arrange to pick up the key in the afternoon. Will come back and open up at 6.30pm. If I bring the Reef projector and an extension cord, then it’s only the screen that needs to come down from @alberto’s place…


@ChrisM @alberto @Lee @Dave_behave update for tonight: there are 25 registrations for 33 people.



I can also join tonight if needed.
Can I pick something of the way, the screen? I’ll be by bike (I have a pizza rack, it can also be a screen rack), possible to carry it on it?

Just a message to let you know that 8 people have filled in the survey after the presentation, which is great :slight_smile: